Chapter 27: The secret is out.

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I was woken up by Carl not too long after I fell asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I realized everyone else was up too.

"What's going on?" I asked squinting my eyes.

"Bob, Daryl, and Carol are missing. We can't find them anywhere." Carl answered.

"What!?" I asked quickly standing up. I was so confused. Rick walked up to us.

"Any idea where they may be?" Rick asked looking at me. I just shook my head, still not 100% sure what exactly was going on.

"Do you think he might have had something to do with this?" Carl asked while nodding his head towards Gabriel.

"I don't know but we're goona find out." Rick replied while making his way towards Gabriel. Carl and I slowly followed behind.

"Where are our people? Do you have anything to do with this!?" Rick yelled. I could see it in Gabriel's eyes he was scared, but he didn't say anything.

"Answer me!" Rick shouted while slightly pushing him, not too hard, but enough to show he was serious. Gabriel still just stood there. Looking at the floor. Then Sasha stepped in.

"Look, if you know where our people are just tell us! We're going to find out sooner or later, so don't lie!" She said full of anger. Gabriel still didn't say a thing. Sasha was furious as she just walked away. She sat down frustrated, while she ran her fingers through her hair. But we were all frustrated. We wanted to know where our people were. The entire place went quite. When all of sudden, Gabriel began to talk.

"I survived a long time without killing anybody." He began, as tears started to roll down his cheek.

"I had shelter in here. Saftey. I always locked the doors. Every day. And the people they wanted in. Women... Children. But I never opened the doors. I always kept them locked. I stayed inside ignoring everything they were saying. And I just stared at the doors, but I never unlocked them. They need my help and I didn't do anything. I let them all die out there. And then buried the bones." Gabriel finished before falling to the floor sobbing.

I couldn't believe it. That explains the carving on the wall, and the scratch marks around the window. People needed in, but he was to selfish and scared to do anything. I knew this guy was guilty of something. And now we know what. After a good 15 seconds of nothing but sobbing, Rick finally asked,

"So you don't know what happened with our people?" Gabriel just shook his head still laying on the floor sobbing. Just then Glenn spoke up.

"Guys look!" He said while looking out of the window. Carl and I went up to the window and saw a body laying in the grass.

"Is that Bob?" I said. Sasha ran out the door and we all followed. It was Bob, laying in the grass. It took a few seconds before I realized his foot was missing. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I looked over at Carl who was also in shock.

"Oh my god!" Sasha exclaimed while kneeling down next to him. He was still alive but he was in pain. We brought him inside and laid him on the ground. A few tears rolled down my cheek. Seeing Bob like this was hard. I could only imagine how Sasha must be feeling.

"They're still alive Rick. Gareth is still alive. He has a small group with him, set up at some sort of school building. They're the ones that did this. The group is in danger Rick." Bob manages to say, but you can tell from his voice he's in lots of pain.

"School? Are there any schools around here?" Rick asks Gabriel who is in deep shock at what is going on.

"Uhm, yeah. An elementary school, about a 15 minute walk from here. 5 blocks south. Not too far." Gabriel replies. I knew we should of listened to Rick and killed every single last one of the Terminus group.

"Also, back at the food bank. I got bit." Bob says looking at Sasha who at this point burst into tears. I even began to cry a little, knowing that Bob was infected, and that we are all in danger. I didn't like the feeling of being watched, but that's all I felt. I still couldn't believe everything that was happening.

I looked at Carl who I could tell was also suprised. He looked at me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder to comfort me.

"I have a couch in the back if you want to take him there." Gabriel offered. Sasha thanked him before her and Rosita began helping Bob up. Just then, Abraham got up with his gun.

"We got to go. We have to get Eugene out of here before it's too late." Abraham said already making his way towards the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"What?" Rosita asked.

"We have to to go. Get Eugene out of lines of danger." Abraham replied.

"In the middle of the night, knowing we're being watched?" I spoke up.

"We have to go!" He replied in a very stern voice. "Come Eugene lets go." He said again. Eugene didn't move he just sat there. Before quietly saying,

"No." Abraham turned around almost furious.

"Eugene, now!" He shouted. Eugene gave up quickly by standing up and walking over to him.

"Anyone who wishes to join us is welcome to." Abraham said while walking toward the door. We can't just let them leave. We will need there help if we get attacked. Besides, it is a pretty stupid plan. I mean it's pitch black outside in the middle of the woods, and we also don't know where Daryl or Carol are. And we are not leaving without them.

"What transportation are you using?" Rick asked while walking to Abraham.

"The bus out back." He replied.

"Now who said that was yours?" Rick replied causing Abraham to stop and turn around. I could feel tension build up in the room. This won't go down easy.

"Look we have one job, and that job is to get Eugene to Washington! Now if you want to sit around here and wait for cannibals to attack go ahead, or you can come with us!" Abraham shouted.

"We aren't leaving without Daryl and Carol!" Rick argued. A lot of yelling and shouting went on for a good 5 minutes. And a full force fist fight was about to break out before Glenn jumped in the middle stopping it.

"We'll go with you!" I heard Glenn shout. I froze. What did he just say? The whole room was silent at that moment.

"Me, Maggie, and Tara will come with you."Glenn repeated. "If you just wait the night." Everyone was quiet, before Abraham replied,

"Until noon. No later. We leave tomorrow exactly at noon." He replied. Glenn nodded.

"Glenn you don't-" Rick was interrupted by Glenn.

"It's settled." Glenn replied, then walked to Maggie.

The room was tense and quiet. I couldn't believe what was going on. I couldn't believe Bob was infected, I couldn't believe the psycho terminus group was ready to attack, I couldn't believe what Gabriel told us about locking the doors, and I couldn't belive that Glenn, Maggie, and Tara were leaving. Everything seemed to be a blur. Everyone seemed to be a little un steady with everything going on. How can this all be happening.

  "What are we going to do?" I asked Carl.

  "About what?" Carl replied.

  "About everything." I said looking up at Carl who didn't seem to concerned. Just then Rick walked over to us with Judith. He handed Judith to Carl and said,

    "We have a plan."

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