Chapter 18: The town of terror.

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I woke up and the sun was just rising. I looked over and Beth was sitting on watch as Daryl was sleeping. Once she noticed I was up she said,

''Good morning.''

''Morning.'' I replied.

''I thought you would end up sleeping for at least another 2 hours.'' She said smiling.

''Nope. I just want to hurry up and get out of here.'' I told her.

''So soon?'' She asked.

''Yeah. We need to keep moving.'' I said as I started to pack stuff up.

''Ok, I guess I'll wake up Daryl.'' Beth replied kind of surprised that I was in such a rush.

I was packing everything up and once Daryl was up, him and Beth started packing stuff up too. Once we were all ready Daryl stomped out the fire, and we started to walk. We let Daryl lead the way because he claimed to know a small town close by where we could grab supplies.

We were walking for a long time and I was starting to think we were lost. Just then I looked up and saw a group of buildings in the distance. I smiled as we continued walking. Once we got to the town there wasn't that many walkers. After all it was a small town so not too many people lived here. But there were tents set up as if this once was a refugee camp. We kept walking deeper in looking threw the buildings

We didn't find much, just 1 can of food and a half empty water bottle. We continued looking around. We thought since there wasn't much walkers we could split up and go into separate buildings. I went into a house as Daryl went into a store and Beth went into another house not too far from the one I was in. I got into the house and cleared it. There was only 1 walker and I stabbed it with my knife. I was finding food and some batteries for the flashlight.

I was looking in every room, every corner for something useful. Not that food and batteries isn't useful, its just I was hoping to find a map or compass or something. I was looking threw what looked to be a little girls room. There was a toy box and barbies in the corner. It was kind of sad to think that this little girl could be dead somewhere. Or maybe she's not, maybe she made it. I saw some books and looked threw them. They were all princess books, nothing that interests me. I saw a small door. Probably the closet. I opened it and there she was. A little girl walker, probably around 7 years old. She must've been in there since this all started because she was a very weak walker, she was very slow. I backed up until my back hit the wall. I didn't want to have to kill a little girl. But I had too. It wasn't who it used to be anymore. She came closer to me and even though she is dead, I could still see the dying sick human she once was. I glanced away and with hesitation, I stabbed the top of her head with my knife. I looked at the lifeless corpse laying on the floor in front of me. Then I moved on.

I continued looking around. I was in the middle of searching threw some cupboards, when I heard gun shots followed by dozens of walker moans. I ran to the window and saw a herd of about 20 walkers chasing after Daryl and Beth. A small gasp left my lips. I ran as fast as I could down stairs. I got to the front door and quickly checked my pistol to see how many bullets I had. Seven.

When I got outside, I couldn't see anything or hear anyone. I just saw a few dead walker bodies. I looked around in a panic. Where is Daryl and Beth? Then I shouted,

''BETH! DARYL!'' I shouted a few times, I had no idea what happened to them. I don't even care in my yelling attracts walkers, I have to help them. I ran around the town. Still desperate to find them. At this point I was screaming.


  I looked in all the stores and houses and found nothing. Some of the herd was still in the town so I had to kill a few from here to there. I didn't know what to do. They are gone. The herd must've chased them out. Did they even make it? Are they alive? I stood there with my hands on my head in frustration. Just then, half the herd that was chasing Beth and Daryl must've heard my shouting because they were coming back in the town. In my direction.

"Shit." I said before turning around and running. I ran and ran and ran.

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