Chapter 31: The Storm.

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*4 months later*

It's been months since Beth had passed, but I was still upset. Not so much because she died, but how she died was what really angered me. I just wish I was there, maybe I could've done something. Maybe I could've stopped that stupid cop from shooting her. But there is nothing I can do now. Now I need to focus on moving forward, focus on what's happening now. Rick, Tyreese, Michonne, Noah, and Glenn went to Noah's old neighbour hood too find out if his family was alive. Also, Noah says they have fences. We could use fences. The rest of us stayed in the firetruck. I don't know where we were, all I know is it was about 500 miles away from where Noah's neighbour hood was. We were all sitting outside in a small temporary camp we made. It was still light outside. Thank god. Carl was putting Judith to sleep, and I was sharpening my knife.

"Get Katie, Carl, and Sasha away. They don't need to see this." I heard Ricks voice say through the walkie talkie Carol was holding.

My heart immediately stopped. Tyreese must be hurt, or worse. I looked over at Carl who also seemed concerned. And Sasha walked away from everyone, before bursting into tears. My eyes started watering. I sat down in the truck next to Carl holding Judith, trying not too cry. I didn't know Tyreese too well, but he was still an amazing person to have in our group. He was strong and kind. You don't see that too much anymore. Carl was looking down. I felt Carl put his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. And let a few tears roll down my cheek.

Its been days after Tyreese's funeral, we all talked as a group. And decided even though there was no cure, Washington would be our best bet. We had nowhere else to go really. Noah's neighbour hood, didn't work out. But we were low on water and had barely any food left. The sun was beginning to go down, we were sitting by a small fire. Some of the group was out looking for water.

"Think they will find anything?" Carl quietly asked me. I looked over.

"Does that answer your question?" I replied pointing over too Maggie, Sasha, and Daryl walking toward the camp, empty handed. Another night, with no food or water. We still had a long way too go before Washington.

Everyone was siting around the fire, but no one was talking. Almost as if we were all emotionless. Lifeless. Like we had no more hope. A sound from the woods made us all snap to attention. I thought it would be walkers, so I was ready to pull my knife out. But it wasn't. It was dogs. Angry, vicious, hungry dogs. They stood there growling and barking, and we all sat very still not sure what to do. 5 silencer muffles went off making me jump. Within seconds, all the dogs were down. And I glanced over to see Sasha lowering her gun. Guess we have dinner.

It was kind of sad too think that these dogs used to be pets. They used to belong to people. They even had collars with names on them. But we were starving. And I was so hungry, I didn't care what I was eating.

Later that night, when it was almost pitch black out, and the only light was coming from the small flames of the fire and the moon light shining through tree branches, I was sitting down, against a tree. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired. So I took a flashlight and got up to look near by for more sticks too keep the fire going. I made sure not too lose sight of the fire so I don't get lost. I was shining my flashlight at the ground, picking up a few sticks from here to there. Once I had a decent amount of wood, I turned around to go back, when I bumped into to something, making me drop all the sticks I was holding. I thought it was a walker.

Oh, sorry! I didn't mean too scare you!" Carl laughed.

"Jesus Carl you have to stop coming out of nowhere!" I said picking up the sticks I dropped.

"What are you doing out here alone, in the dark?" Carl questioned.

"Getting fire wood." I replied, struggling to carry all the sticks in my arms.

We need eachother! *the walking dead fan fiction*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora