Chapter 57: Lost Hope.

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  Rick suspected Spencer had took them. Considering the way Spencer has been acting lately, I don't doubt it. Rick asked Carl and I to help him search inside of Spencer's house. We agreed. We searched every bedroom, the cupboards, closets, behind dressers, under the rug, everywhere. It felt sort of wrong. An invasion of privacy. But this was Olivia's life on the line. And Spencer is on a run so we can't confront him. But so far, searching Spencer's house didn't help at all, we came up with nothing.

Carl and I entered the living room, as Rick was looking through the bookshelf.

"Anything?" He asked looking back at us. We slightly shook our heads. Ricks stress seemed to rise as he sighed in frustration.

  "It's okay. We'll double check everything." I said trying to calm him. Carl and I turned around and began re checking the places we had just went through. Did I think we were going to magically find something while re looking? No. But if it keeps Rick from snapping then I'll say anything. I began rummaging through a set of drawers in the dining room.

  "I already checked there," Carl mentioned to me as he sat on one of the dining chairs. "Twice."

  "I know." I said closing the drawer. Giving up. I joined Carl at the table. "I wish Spencer would just come back already so we can ask him if he hid the stupid guns." Frustration filled my voice.

  "Maybe they aren't even in here. Maybe Negan just wants an excuse to kill somebody." Carl suggested even though we both knew the guns were definitely in here somewhere. Just then we heard Rick in the other room.

  "Damnit." I couldn't tell if it was a relived or frustrated tone. Carl and I both walked in. And there they were. Lying on the ground.

  "Where the hell were they?" I asked. Rick nodded toward the opened vent behind him. I shook my head.

  "Idiot." I mumbled, referring to Spencer.

  "It's okay. At least we found them." Rick said relieved. He stood up and left the house to bring the guns to Negan.

  Carl and I were left stood in Spencer's living room, which was littered with books and ornaments we knocked over while searching. I could tell we were both thinking the same thing.

  "Should we clean up." Carl finally said. I thought about it for a second.

  "It's not our fault he wanted to hide things. We'll let him deal with it." I stated as I headed for the front door, Carl followed.

  Once I stepped outside I saw all the saviours closing their trucks that were completely filled with our stuff. Carl and I made our way to the front gate. I was trying to see where Rick had went. As I was scanning through all the people,  I saw they had brought Daryl here. To torment us. He looked tired and beaten up. He was wearing a dirty white track suit with the letter 'A' painted on it in red. It was hard seeing him like that. Beaten down. We made eye contact. And I could tell he was suffering. My face filled with concern. I wish I could help him.

Just then, I saw Rick walking back from outside of Alexandria, followed by Michonne who had a lifeless deer over her shoulders. Rick handed over the sniper rifle Michonne had taken earlier to go on a run.

  I stood there with my arms crossed. Impatiently waiting for him to leave. "It was Katie right?" He asked looking over at me. Instead of answering, I just gave him a glare. He recognized how fed up I was, and took that as an opportunity. "I see you are wearing a ring there!" He pointed to my finger with a witty smile. My hope ring. The hope ring Carl had given me.

I covered it with my other hand, like that was going to help. "It's nice. In fact, I know someone who would just love it! My wife Amber. Well.. she's one of my wives." Negan smiled emphasizing the one. "It's mine now." He ordered holding his hand out. Instant anger filled my body. And you could see it on my face.

  "No." I instantly and sternly stated. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. He looked at Rick and then back at me.

  "Woah now, Katie. Don't be selfish. You don't wanna make me have to... you know." Negan spoke hinting at his bat. I stood there starring at him with anger.

  "I have more. I have a whole box of rings, you can take whatever you want. Just not this one." I tried to tell him. Negan sighed in slight frustration. "Please." I begged.

  "I'm only asking one more time. Give me your ring." Negan replied still holding his hand out.

  I bit my tongue and fought every urge in my body to just pull out my knife and stab him, right there. With tears of anger nearly overflowing my eyes, I ripped my ring off and aggressively threw it into his hand. He softly chuckled as he slid the ring into his pocket, and patted the leather. He roughly placed his hand on Carl's shoulder.

"It was good seeing ya!" He exclaimed as if they were friends. Just before Negan headed to one of the trucks, Rick stopped him.

"Now that you know we can follow your rules," Rick began, Negan turned around and seemed intrigued. "I'd like to ask you if Daryl could sta-."

"Not happening." Negan replied before Rick could finish the sentence. Tension rose. "I don't know. Maybe I should let Daryl plead his case. Maybe Daryl could sway me." Negan suggested. We all looked at broken Daryl. His eyes stayed on the ground and he didn't make a sound. He seemed to scared too. Which angered me more. Negan shrugged. "Well. He had a chance." No he didn't. "You got your answer. We'll be on our way now." Negan stated. But he stood their, like he was waiting for something. "Do you have anything to say to me before I leave?" Negan asked. He expects Rick to thank him? Thank him for what? Coming here and being a dick, taking more than half our shit plus one of our strongest fighters?

"Thank you." He didn't mean it. You could hear it in his voice. But what was he suppose to do? Ignore the man with 50+ people who just took all our guns. Negan had a proud smile on his face.

"Don't be ridiculous! Thank you!" He said nudging Rick and using that cocky tone he seems to have most of the time he speaks. I glanced at Daryl. Then back at a smiling Negan. I can't do it anymore. I turned around and walked away. I don't know where. Just away.

I ended up making it back to the house. I leaned up against the side, closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm down. I went to touch my hope ring. But nothing was there. I slammed my hands on the wall to release my anger.

"Hey hey!" I heard behind me as I felt Carl's hands gently take my arms. "It's just a ring it's okay."

"It's not the ring Carl." I turned around. "He took everything. And he will do it again and again and again. He will keep coming back. He will keep Daryl as his slave. He'll kill more of us. He is completely destroying your dad. And there isn't anything we can do." His arms wrap around me before I could let tears out. He held me for a while.

"He won't win. It won't be like this forever." He said it so confident. Like he already knows how the future will be. I don't say anything. I just hug back tighter.

*Authors note* Holy moly I am so sorry for such the long wait but I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!! So I was super busy and I still have to upgrade so I guess I'm not completely done yet :/ but that's okay I'll still continue this story! Thank you all for being so patient

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