Chapter 43: Pain.

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*2 weeks later*

I was sitting in a small tree behind a house reading a book. This tree is the perfect place to relax. It's quiet, comfortable and has a nice view. Things have gotten better since they put Rick in charge. Rick knows what he's talking about. This place will get better and the people will get stronger. The one thing that slightly worries me though is the fact that Rick and the others are out there trying to lead a huge hurd of walkers away from Alexandria. And I know our people can handle themselves. But what really worries me is the fact that Nicholas is out there with Glenn. I'll never forget the night where Glenn and Nicholas came back into Alexandria. Both beaten up pretty bad and Glenn even had a gun shot wound. He said a bullet ricocheted, but I knew it was Nicholas. I even heard Glenn tell Maggie that Nicholas lowered him into the woods to try and kill him. And Carl and I saw Nicholas that day in the woods. I never trusted Nicholas since the day we got here. I always knew he was bad news. But Glenn is strong and he can handle himself I know it.

I was enjoying the book I was reading until screams of terror snapped me out of it. I looked around but since I was behind a house I couldn't see anything. I quickly dropped my book and began to climb down the tree. I was standing on one of the branches when it snapped off. "Shit!" I muttered. I grabbed onto one of the other branches and was just hanging there. I was trying to think how I was going to get down. My arms were starting to hurt and I couldn't hang on much longer. I finally let go and fell the rest of the way down.

I quickly stood up and when I tried to run I felt a sharp pain on my left leg. I looked down and the branch must've scratched me, because my leg was covered in blood. I ignored it for now. I walked with a limp around the corner too see what all the screaming was from. I saw a man with a machete chopping one of the Alexandrians in the middle of the street. My stomach dropped and I quickly jumped back behind the house. We are under attack.

I pulled out my pistol, took a deep breath, and ran out. Since the man was down the street he didn't see me. I have to find Carl. Make sure him and Judith are okay. I was running when someone came from around the corner making me put my pistol up.

  "DON'T SHOOT! It's me!" Ron exclaimed throwing his hand up.

  "Ron what are you doing!?" I asked putting my pistol down.

  "I was trying to find Enid and then-" Ron froze when he saw my leg. "What happened to your leg?" He said in shock.

  "That's not important! Just come on!" I said before he followed me. I don't like Ron but that doesn't mean he deserves to die. He doesn't even have a weapon on him right now. So I'll help him get home and then find Carl. I know Carl can take care of himself. Ron on the other hand....

  We were hiding behind buildings and sneaking our way around to avoid being seen by any of these maniacs. One of them was cutting someone up on the streets we quickly jumped behind a bush before we were seen. Just then we heard a distant crash followed by a horn. A loud horn that wouldn't stop honking.

  "What is that?" Ron whispered.

  "I don't know but it doesn't sound good." I whispered back. I saw the man we were hiding from smile before standing up and running toward the bush we were behind. He saw us! I panicked and held my pistol up. And without even thinking about it shot him clean in the face. Oh my god. I just killed a human. I noticed the man had a W on his head.. Just like the walker Carl and I saw a couple weeks ago.

  "Okay. Let's go." I said with a shaken voice to Ron before he stood up and continued to follow me. He was also shocked. As we were walking we saw one guy. I quickly jumped behind a tree but Ron didn't realize in time and the man came after him. Ron ran faster than I've ever seen him run. And before I could even react a gun shot came out of nowhere and the man was on the ground. I glanced up and saw Carl. Carl just saved Rons life. The man went to attack Carl again but Carl shot the man dead. I was about to run over until... I saw Enid a few steps behind him. Great. Carl couldn't see me because I was still behind the tree. I heard Carl invite Ron inside but Ron was clearly upset to find Enid with Carl so Ron refused and ran away.

"Carl come on!" I heard Enid say before they headed back inside. Of course she is there. If Carl has help from Enid protecting Judith I guess I'm not really needed. I was angry. Carl says they are just friends but, they sure spend a lot of time together. Whatever I'll just make sure Ron doesn't die on his way home. I began to run in the direction he did.

I came around the corner and before I could even realize, a man with a W was standing right there. Before I could even hold my pistol up the man had tackled me to the ground making me drop my pistol and I felt pain flood my body. I tried to reach for my knife but my arms were pinned down. I was fighting his grip and screaming trying to get away. I looked up and saw the man pull out an axe and hold it above his head. My eyes filled with tears of fear.

"HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could. And right before the man swung the axe into me, a gun shot went off and the man fell dead beside me. I was laying there in shock. And then I noticed a hooded person with a W on the forehead. I went to reach for my knife before Carol pulled the mask down. I felt relief. I was confused for a second until I realized she was wearing a disguise. She helped me up.

"Thank you." I said she nodded. I grabbed my gun and knife off the ground before following Carol. She took me to the infirmary.

"No, Carol I'm fine I want to help!" I pleaded.

"Not with that leg wound your not." Carol said before forcing me to go in. I stepped in and saw Tara, Eugene, Denise the new town doctor and a few alexandrians . There was a blond girl on the bed. But the heart beat machine was flat. I just stood there silent. Tara glanced over.

"Katie! Are you okay?" She asked walking over to me to help.

"Yeah. It's just a small wound." I replied trying to hide the pain.

"That's not small. Here come sit down we'll clean it." I nodded looking over at Denise who seemed very defeated. I sat on a chair in the corner and Tara pulled out a first aid kit. It took a lot of tissue to get all the blood off my leg.

"Oh my god, you've lost a lot of blood. What happened?" Tara asked as she poured some liquid on a tissue to clean it.

"I fell off a tree." I said in pain.'

"And you couldn't feel the pain in your leg?" Tara questioned.

"I was full of adrenaline at the time, but now I'm really starting to feel it." I replied squeezing my eyes shut. Cleaning it was stinging like hell.

  I started to feel a little light headed. My eyes were getting heavy. Tara finished cleaning it and then wrapped it in a bandage.

  "There. Do you want any pain medicine?" She asked standing up. Before I could even respond everything went black.

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