Chapter 55: It.

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*Quick Note*
-This chapter is SUPER long and I worked very hard on it and a lot of important things happen so please read it all :)

"It." Negan stated as his bat landed on.... Abraham.

  My eyes filled with water. Please no. He won't do this. He can't.

  "Anybody moves, anybody says anything cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start." Negan said. I pursed my lips together to try and control myself. I wanted to yell or scream at him. But that would only make things worse. If that's even possible.

  "You can breath, you can blink, you can cry. Hell you're all goona be doing that." Negan said before lifting his bat and smashing it on top of Abrahams head. Tears ran down my face.

  "Look at that. Taking it like a champ!" Negan exclaimed as Abraham came back up. Blood pouring down his face.

  "Suck. My. Nuts." Abraham managed to say before Negan continued bashing his head. I closed my eyes and turned my head. I can't watch. But I could hear. Every. Brutal. Hit. As Negan mocked his final words.

  "Did you hear that? He said suck my nuts!" Negan laughed. My heart felt broken. The sounds were haunting. Eventually you could hear the bat make contact with the ground.

  Once the bashing finally stopped I glanced over. And felt sick to my stomach. Blood and chunks laid on the ground. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit in this world. But this was the worst. I could hear Sasha's cries which made it much more painful. Negan began to laugh.

"Oh my goodness! Look at this!" He shouted as he swung his bat causing blood to splat across Ricks face. "Look at my dirty girl!" He continued holding the bloody bat proudly. My whole body was tense. As I was full of anger and devastation. Everyone in our group at this point were in tears.

"Sweetheart." Negan began walking toward Rosita. She was in shock. Her eyes wide as she stared at the ground. I've never seen her in this state before. He held the bat in front of her face. "Lay your eyes on this." He said. She was shaking. This man is sick. "Oh damn. Were you together? That sucks. But you should know, there was a reason for all of this." I clenched my hands into fists. "Red and hell he was is and will ever be red, he just took one or six or seven for the team!" Negan shouted with a smile on his face. "So take a damn look." He said slowly holding the bat directly in her face. She broke and began crying but kept her eyes on the ground breathing heavily. "Take a damn look!" Negan yelled. Daryl grunted in anger before standing up and punching Negan in the face. My eyes widened.

Oh my god no. Saviours immediately grabbing him and taking him down. No please no. Negan didn't seem to phased by it. "That was a big no no. None of that shit flies here!" He stated. As Dwight stepped forward pointing Daryl's own crossbow at him. I've never been more urged to kill someone in my life until now.

"You want me to do it. Right here." Dwight asked as Daryl grunted in anger being pinned down by the men. Negan grabbed Daryl's hair and looked at his face.

"No. You don't kill that." He replied. I could feel my entire body shaking. The saviours grabbed Daryl and dragged him back into place.

"Anyway. That's not how it works. Now I already told you people, first ones free. Then what I say I said I will shut that shit down!" Negan loudly said as he began walking to the other side of the line. I sat there shaking, my hands squeezing my knees to prevent myself from breaking.

Negan gave a big smile before continuing. "No exceptions. Now I don't know what kinda lying assholes you been dealing with. But I'm a man of my word." He said looking over at Daryl. "First impression is important. I need you to know me." What can he possibly do to make things worse.

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