Chapter 7

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Eden ran to him although Hermione screamed and yelled, reaching out and trying to grab her arm, but instead making it fall completely out of her grasp while trying keep her from running directly in the middle of the battle.

Right in the middle of the curse.

Right in the middle of death.

Before the loud crash of the spell was heard, the ground below her feet began to shake and in the 0.5 seconds it took for the sound to ring out and echo, Eden realized how stupid she was for running in-


Debris went flying hitting walls and cracking in half.  The grand clock was beginning to crash down to the courtyard.

Her head.  She had hit her head.

She waited on the floor, holding her head until...  Until...

Eden's eyes opened suddenly with a shake running through her body.

The sun was bright now, shining through the window.

What time had it been?

Why was she here instead of in the cell?

How did she even get here?

Eden's brain was flowing with every possible question she could have asked in that moment had there been anyone in the room with her to answer, but she was alone...  Alone in the cold, plain, almost empty room.

It took her a moment before her eyes began to adjust to the new light she was being exposed to but when she did, she could see her new surroundings.

Dark walls, brown or black with red curtains which were obviously pulled open.  A small dresser with what she imagined was filled with clothing for her, though she wasn't exactly sure.

No one had really told her this was her room, she was just assuming.  The ceiling was high but at the very top, Eden could make out a painting.

It was the types of paintings you see at the top of those cathedrals in Italy or France...  The ones in faithful places, but the painting didn't look to be about belief, it looked comparable to the night sky on a clear night while being very over exaggerated.

This was the first time she could see clearly in weeks and yes, this was not something special, but it did make her happy to know who sight was not completed messed up.

Smiles quickly faded to a straight face as she looked down, feeling the material of the new top she was wearing, then trailing her hand down to the shorts.

Her clothes...  They had been changed.

It did not feel like cheap material either...  No, this felt expensive and soft almost like the clothing she used to wear before the war and before she had went into hiding.

The answer to all of her questions suddenly apparated into the room with a crack so quiet Eden almost did not hear it at all.

Tissy walked hesitantly over to the bed and grabbed the shaky hand of Eden, who now sat up against the back of the bed, resting her head against the pillow.

"Tissy is to tell you the rules of the manor."


What rules? 

Where the fuck was she right now?  Maybe this was some sort of hallucination or it could be heaven...  It was bright enough to be so.

"Malfoy manor may Tissy add...  First, you're clothes be in the dresser.  Neatly folded by Tissy herself."

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