Chapter 24

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His hand is so low...

Why is his hand so low?

Why is he so close?

Why is he touching her like this?!

Her eyes... They looked like glass from this far. She is crying.

He has hurt her...  If not physically then mentally.

What has he done to her!

Draco's mind was racing and all he could do was stare at them confused and in disbelief.

"My Lord...  There had been an attack on the castle-"

"Then you know what to fucking do.  Go defend the castle!" Voldemort shouted so loudly that it made Eden flinch in his arms.

"Sir, we think Hermione Granger is upon those who have attacked.  We would not have bothered you if this were not important.  This might be our only chance to capture her."

He finally let go of Eden stepping in front of her and rushing down the steps.  "I THOUGHT WE HAD HER KILLED!  I KILLED HER MYSELF!  Draco!  Bring the girl home NOW!"

"Yes my Lord..."

Eden was numb looking at the events unfolding in front of her...  Hearing that there was a chance of Hermione being alive and not to mention in the same place as her.

This was her chance. 

She could get out of here. 

It did not matter if she left with her magic or not. 

Eden no longer cared if she had to live the rest of her life a muggle. 

She needed to get out. 

She needed to see if what the guards said was the truth and even if they were not the people attacking would take her.

They would protect her.

They were on her side.

Her body began to move on it's own down the steps of the throne she was just on. 

Eden's goal was simple, but she'd been so numb that she did not even think of Draco or anyone else like the guards for that matter. 

She was in her own head.

Everyone was leaving the room and she began to follow with tears streaming down her face until she bumped into the man coming to take her home and snapped back into reality.

"Where do you think you're going-"

"Please Draco if you let me leave I won't tell anyone!  Voldemort will think it's an accident!  He won't care!  Please!  Please just let me go!  Let me see if it really is Hermione out there..  I need to see her!  I need to see for myself-"  Eden took a sharp inhale and cut herself off.

For a moment Draco's eyebrows furrowed in guilt and sympathy, but it changed as quickly as it came upon him and he grabbed her apparating out of the castle and back to his home, right to the foyer.

The boy let go of her letting her fall to the ground as she sobbed in anguish.

Pansy rushed in quickly and looked between Draco and Eden, who sat on the floor unable to get up. "It's fine.  You're fine-"


"Yes you are...  Shhhh.  What did he do to you.  Tell me..."

Eden sharply inhaled and put her hand on her chest to try and control her breathing.

"He's to have children with me...  As many as it takes until I brith an heir.  He touched me...  He ran his hand down my stomach.  He- He touched me."

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