Chapter 23

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As Eden held the baby in her arms, feeding her, Draco burst into the room.  The door hit the wall so hard it would have left a mark had there not been a protection spell on the mansion walls.

Her head whipped to the side where Malfoy stormed in and child in Eden's arms began to cry, forcing her to take the bottle out of her mouth and try to calm the baby down.

Eden sat her upright and began to shush her, bringing her closer to her chest.

Draco looked stressed and pale.

The blue was gone from his eyes, they looked black and the look on his face told the girl that he was worried.

About what?  She had no clue, but she was sure she was going to find out soon...

Pansy suddenly apparated into the room. Probably because her baby was crying.

The house echoed.

She heard it from the kitchen.

"Shhh. It's okay precious. Come here." Pansy grabbed hold of her child taking it out of Eden's hands. "Why the hell would you do that Draco! You made her cry-"

"The Dark Lord requests to see Eden... Now."

All the colour drained from Eden's face and she swore the room turned black for a moment. She lost her balance although she was already sitting and put her hand down on the cushion of the seat to try and keep herself upright, but her arm was shaking, not only her arm, her whole body.

All that in a matter of seconds...

She wished she could have time to prepare; get herself in the right headspace.

Voldemort would hurt her when she went and she needed to brace herself for it.

Pansy's eyes darted toward Eden and she quickly placed the baby down in the crib she had set up in the living room. She did because that was where they spent the most time aside from her temporary bedroom. After she did so she rushed over to Eden and sat beside her taking her in her arms and allowing the girl to rest on her.

Pansy could feel how much the scared girl was shaking and all she could think of was how sorry she was for her.

"I said NOW! Let's go Abella!"

"Give her a fucking second!" Pansy shouted over him in Eden's defence, but all he did in response was become more violent, grabbing Eden's arm tightly and pulling her away from Pansy.

"Let go of her bloody hand or you're coming too."

Pansy leaned in closer and grabbed Eden's cold face, bringing it to where she could whisper into her ear.

"It's going to be okay. I'll be here when you get back."

Eden's teeth could faintly be heard chattering as she nodded her head, unable to even make eye contact with the woman that sat right in front of her.

Immediately when Pansy drew away from Eden both her and Draco were gone.

In a new, yet very familiar place. They were back at Voldemort's living quarters this time right outside the door of the room she'd been tortured in the last time she came.

She stumbled when her feet met the ground once again, but Malfoy made sure to catch her already knowing she did not do well with apparation to begin with, at least now...

Draco suddenly gripped her arm tightly and turned her around so that her eyes were focused on his and nothing else.

Their faces were only a few centimetres away from one another.

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