Chapter 21

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Eden laid in her bed, her back turned to Malfoy as usual. She had not said a word to him since he found her.

Quite frankly, the girl was embarrassed. How could she not be, she just had a manic episode in front of two strangers.

For the whole three hours Draco sat in that chair in the corner of the room, his eyes did not leave her. He did not grab a book, or write a paper, or read the Daily Prophet...

He just sat and watched her.

The thing was she could not fall asleep.

That would have been nearly impossible since she had just woken up from a long slumber just a few hours ago.

With a audible sigh, Draco placed his feet flat on the ground and leaned his elbows on his knee's, leaning in closer with his eyes still locked on her unmoving body. His stare was so hard and focused that Eden could feel it burning into her back.

Then, there was the sudden noise of the floor creaking as if he was getting closer and closer until he was.

Draco was standing right behind her, peering over her slightly to make sure she was still awake.  He conjured up a cup of water and held his hand out just enough for Eden to catch it in the corner of her eye.

"You're dehydrated. Drink."

"I don't want it."

The blanket got pulled over her head and she shifted more to the side of the bed furtherest away from Draco.

The girl didn't even bother looking back at him. Eden did not care enough to see his judgement which she knew he would be wearing on his face.

"Bloody hell!"

He sat and pulled the sheet off of her just for her to pull it back over her head again and grip it tightly with her hand so that when he tried to do it for the second time he would be unsuccessful, but he did not try again.

Instead he placed the water down on the counter and looked over at the pile of sheets that hid Eden from his view.

Somewhere in there he knew she was listening even if she pretended she was not.

"I punched a wall. That was why my hand was bleeding earlier. I remember you asked me."

The silence was loud when he took a pause as if he was waiting for her to say something...

Anything back to him.

But there was nothing and for a moment he could not even hear her breathing.

"I punched it because I was upset with you-"

Oh how lovely.

Eden thought and cringed from under the blankets.

"You were talking about your necklace. Would you like to go on?"


"Well why not?"  There was a tinge of annoyance and frustration added to that phrase Draco spoke to her.

"I don't want to."

Was that so hard for him to understand? 

She did not wish to speak meaning she did not intend to do so no matter what...

But as Eden learned in the past, Draco has a way with getting what he wants and although she always tried to overcome his wants with her own power, she did not feel so powerful right now.

Why would she stop herself now.

Maybe it would make her feel better?

Who knew?

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