Memory 21

283 9 2

April, 1998

The gates opened wide, they led up a pathway. At the end was a door.

Draco was still trying to take it all in.

How could a place look this beautiful while also looking so horrid at the same time. It was Voldemort's. That's what made it ugly. All the darkness surrounding it was what made it feel so disturbing.

The faster he got it done the faster he could return back to Eden.

That was the only person he wanted to see. Just her. No one else.

He wanted nothing more than to hold her, especially after seeing her so shaken that morning. The worried look she wore on her face rubbed off on him and if he had any choice he would not have come here at all.

But unfortunately he did not have a choice since if he did he would be in trouble. Perhaps not killed seeing as he was such an important asset to the Death Eaters, but punished 100%.

Burning, cutting, beating, whipping, shocking. That was all on the table.

He'd seen it done before.

The room he was escorted into was ginormous. The floor was shiny, the lighting was dim and at the end of the room, across from the door, there was a throne. On it sat the man he dreaded seeing, beside him was his little snake.


Draco could not remember the name off the top of his head.

The further he walked in the colder the feeling got.

White pillars ran from the floor all the way up to the ceiling, the walls were black. There was a skylight at the top of the room, which was providing most of the light, but it was cloudy and raining that day.

"Draco Malfoy. I'm so glad you showed up.." Voldemort stood from the seat, walking down the small flight of stairs from the alter his throne was on. "You've heard about what happened last night? With Eden Abella? I would hope your father would have told you."

God his heart was beating so fast.

If the Dark Lord could see through Draco's chest or had some kind of super hearing, the boy would have so been caught and killed...

Keep it together Draco. Lie about what you know. It is not that hard.

"My Lord, my father and I don't live with each other anymore... I have not spoken to him in weeks."

"How very interesting... Well, the girl was at a park yesterday, alone. How stupid of her right... Or was she not alone?" Voldemort's sharp nails almost ripped a piece of Draco's jacket.

This is it.

I'm going to die and Eden is going to be alone.

"I'm not sure my Lord. I'm only just hearing about this now-"

"What is peculiar is that she did not have a wand on her... She used her hands... Her own. Bloody. Hands. Have you seriously not heard about this? No one came to tell you of the strange occurrence?"

"No one exactly knows where I'm staying. I keep moving. Staying in one place for too long is dangerous. The Order has attempted to attack me many times. I suppose Potter has a vendetta against me." Draco lied straight through his teeth. His face was calm and relaxed, lips thin in a straight line and his eyes were looking straight into Voldemort's.

Eye contact showed confidence.

"If that is the case. You do not mind if I check do you? It would be a shame if a Malfoy like yourself is lying to me... Your Lord."

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