Memory 18

284 13 2

April, 1998

"So... You're clairvoyant now? Seems like I have missed a lot."

An hour they had been in that beautiful library and now she was trying to make small talk. Sure took her long enough to build up the bloody courage.

"You have." The tone in Eden's voice was monotone and her eyes did not even falter to look at the girl standing beside her, stacking books onto the empty shelves.

They were instructed to do it by section. Match the numbers with the ones of the shelf. That was what the note on the table said.

"This place is painfully boring." Eden mumbled, grabbing hold of another book and putting it on the shelf.

"Well, we're in the middle of a war Eden. I would not expect it to be a very fun place."

She knew Hermione wanted to bring it up. How Eden was living an easy life, doing nothing, sleeping all day and being relaxed while they were there working their butts off. But that was their own fault and that was why Hermione did not say anything about it. At least she was self aware.

"I know what you think of me Hermione. You made it extremely clear when I left. You don't have to pretend to be interested in what I've been up to."

Hermione sighed and stopped stacking the books, turning to look at her. "Despite what you think Eden, I do care about you and your whereabouts. Just because I said what I said does not mean I stopped caring for you."

If she really cared she would have found you and apologized for everything she said and all the pain she caused. Hermione is a liar-

Eden snapped out of that thought as quick as it came. "Interesting... Harry told me about what happened to Ginny. Sorry for your loss."

Was she actually being nice to her right then and there? Ugh she knew her tough girl act was going to falter as soon as she was alone with Hermione.

"Thanks... Harry told me you've been staying with Malfoy. Have you been alright there with him?" Hermione changed the subject yet again. They were speaking with such petty tones in their voices while actually being concerned for one another.

"I have been fine. It's kind of lonely, but I'd rather be alone than with a headache all of the time. Too much screaming and yelling here... Hermione," And that was when the act truly fell. Her eyes connected with Hermione's and she too stopped stacking the books. "I want to help you guys. I want to contribute."

Hermione smirked slightly. "You already are. Your dreams will help us. It'll help us in a way that you won't be getting into any danger while also giving us major tips on how to avoid things like death-"

Eden was baffled. "Harry still doesn't want me to be part of this? Even after we broke up and I ran off with the man who tried to kill him. He really still wants me to be safe?"

"Has Draco not told you Eden?" Hermione asked the girl now also baffled.

"Told me what?"

Hermione's eyes widened slightly and she knew she slipped up and told Eden too much, but there was no point in lying now. "Malfoy has been writing us letters telling us how you have been. They're more for Harry, but he never wrote back when we asked if you were with him and where you were or even how he knew what you were doing. I mean, we all kind of knew where you were, but we wanted to keep all possibilities open. We didn't know if you'd been captured and put in a cell with 24 hour surveillance from Malfoy... Actually that was Harry's theory."

Now that was a psychotic theory...

"Draco wouldn't let that happen to me. I know he wouldn't."

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