Memory 8

391 10 2

January, 1998

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked toward Harry once again. "Take us to her? Please..."

"Only Granger."

"What?! She's my girlfriend-"

"Well I'm not an expert on feelings, but if I were you I would back off. She's obviously upset with you, you were the reason she did this in the first place. If she see's you there when we go get her she'll run off again."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

How did Draco Malfoy know her so well.

It sounded like he had all of her traits down in his head like he was her friend or something. Though he shouldn't have been that surprised. Eden and Draco have spent numerous Christmas' and holidays together since Narcissa took Eden under her wing.

"Fine... Whatever just go and get her."  Harry mumbled.

"Harry go back to the house. I'll meet you there when I know she's safe in her apartment... I'm serious Harry, don't go to her apartment, you'll make her feel worse-"

"God I get it Hermione!" Harry walked over to the window and pushed it open, jumping back out and apparating away the moment his feet stomped back down onto the snow on the ground.

It was now just Hermione and Draco.

How odd.

Hermione never thought she could be in the same room as him without wrapping her hands around his throat and at least trying to kill him, same went for Draco.

"...Grab my arm.". Hesitantly, he stretched his arm out for Hermione to grab and once she did he led them straight to a random part of the graveyard.  "For fucks sake-"

"This place is huge.  We're not going to find her."  Hermione shut her eyes, trying to think of anything she could do.

From where they stood, the cemetery looked like it went on for miles and miles, up and over hills.  That was probably due to the fact that this was not a muggle cemetery.  This place had been around since the beginning of time.

Wizards were buried here.

"Malfoy.  Is there anything else you can do to find her?  Anything more precise?"

"Well Granger, I'm a wizard, not a god."

So much hostility and for what.  They were both there looking for the same person.

Why was he in such a bad mood?

Hermione turned her head away from the boy and looked over the hills again.  "We're splitting up.  I'll go down there, you go backward toward the front.  One of us will eventually run into her and I would much rather do that alone than with you-"

"That feeling is mutual."

No time was wasted after the words left Draco's mouth.  He turned on his heel and began walking down the gravel path which led back to the front making sure to walk slowly and comb through every aisle.  Eden could have been laying down on the floor at any one of them.

Calling out for her would be too loud and had there been anyone else here to visit family or friends, it would be completely disrespectful to them.

This was a graveyard after all, not a jungle gym.

Down one of the rows, he saw something, something black like a blanket or a jacket on the ground.  Even if she wasn't there with it, she would be close and he would get an idea of where she could have gone.

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