Memory 13

317 9 0

March, 1998

The changes were drastic.

If anyone wanted to go out, they would be required to be with at least one person, as per the rules introduced by Professor Lupin.

Along with the one person rule, anyone in battle would need to cut their hair short or to at least shoulder length for the girls.  He said it would prove to be in their best interest, though that rule basically only applied to the girls.

A curfew was set as well.  10 pm was the time that people who were not fighting were to be back at the safe house.

Oh and another thing.

Eden was forced to sell her apartment and move into the house with the rest of The Order...  That's what they ended up calling themselves.

Harry was out almost every day and being cooped up in that house made it hard for her to see anyone aside from Hermione, whom she was sharing a room with.

Draco was no longer allowed inside of the safe house and with the one person rule, Eden could no longer see him on her own, though Hermione, in trying to prove her friendship and loyalty once again, would let the two speak outside for only a few minutes.

Their conversations usually consisted on how are you's and are you okay's.

Occasionally they would speak about Pansy, who missed Eden considerably a lot more than anyone would think.

Draco would always check on her bruises, which were going away over time and with the potions Hermione would supply her.

Sometimes he would bring her things like a chocolate chip bread from the little bakery down the street from her old apartment.  He knew she appreciated when he did stuff like that.

Nights were boring.

A piano was their only source of entertainment.  Fred and George would try to lighten up the mood with their little pranks, but there were only so much you could pull until everything started to become the same and people expected it.

Along with that, Eden never really got to see Harry much anymore.  He was always out and even if it was not fighting in battle, he was out trying to find recruits...

He looked for people from the yearbook who he knew used to admire him.

Young and old. 

When he was home, he was either asleep or being healed.

Where the battle was was a damn mystery to Eden. 

No one was allowed to tell her because everyone knew if she knew she would go out there and try to fight with everyone else and as per Harry's request, the girl was to stay in the safe house.

That left her with nothing.  She was alone all of the time seeing as Hermione was busy with potions and healing.

Ginny fought in battle and even if she did not enjoy her company as much as before, she still would have benefitted from having another girl with her.

Eden laid on her bed with her hands upon her stomach.

The hole growing in her belly had been there ever since the night she almost died.  Any loud noise would scare her, even if it was only for a moment.

There was nothing to look forward too anymore.

They were at war after all.

Her attention was brought to the door where Hermione walked in, looking stressed out as ever.

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