Chapter 18

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Her heart was racing, beating out of her chest. Though she was still not awake, she could feel it pounding.

Suddenly her eyes shot open.

The light of the outdoors was enough to blind her when her eyes first opened, but the light was cast away for the curtains shut.

How long was she out for?

Better yet, what the hell did she dream of?

"How are you feeling?"

There it was.

The cold, serious, voice she hated the most.

Though something felt off now.

After her dream.

The coldness did not seem as cold anymore. The seriousness was there, but it felt like it held no more meaning.

The bed sank and when she opened her eyes for the second time, she realized where she was.

Back in her room.

Back in the bed she never left.

Back in the place she stayed for almost 24 hours each day.

Eden's eyes met the icy blue ones of Draco Malfoy...

How odd.

She did not fear saying his name anymore, but that was a serious upgrade. How could she have been so afraid to utter his name even if it was in her own private thoughts. Maybe it was because she knew Voldemort would always find them.

He would listen...

Eden did not like that.

It was bad enough he knew that she did not call him by his preferred name... 'The Dark Lord.'

That was never going to happen.

"How are you feeling?" He asked again more firmly wanting an answer from the girl.

His lips were pressed into a line, no expression, no sign of actual concern. Perhaps it was under the heavy emotional mask he put on in front of her.

"My neck hurts a little."

The pain kept coming and going with every few breaths she took. She reached up, attempting to hold the wound.

She could remember what happened.

That was about it.

Who had saved her slipped her mind, but she remembered she saw someone. She remembered thinking it was an angel coming to take her to... The afterlife.

Draco reached out and grabbed Eden's wrist gently, but still roughly and pulled it back down.

"Don't touch it. You'll make it worse if you do. Vampire bites react more to touch. It has something to do with their venom... I hardly remember, just do not touch your neck."

"Is my eye... Is my eye swollen?"

It was hard to open it fully and since she could not see herself, she was stuck asking Malfoy for the answers to her questions.

"It's doing better compared to last week."

A week?!

It's been a week and she'd just been sleeping this entire time? She probably missed New Years...

"What year are we in?"

"Still 1999."

Eden looked up at the ceiling, the stars catching her attention again as she started to remember the dream of which she just had.

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