Chapter 10

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"I love you.  I always will.  Promise me you're going to stay safe...  As safe as possible I mean.  Until it is time.  Promise me Eden.  I would rather die than lose you to this battle...  To him."

Harry grabbed her hands in his, pulling her close enough to feel the heat of her body radiating off of her.

"I promise.  I love you Harry.  I love you so much-

Eden's eyes opened and her mind was waking up.  She laid on her side, holding her hands together just like they had been in the dream she just dreamt or rather, the memory she just remembered.

The amazing feeling you get when you take braids out of your hair or when you take a tight ponytail out of your hair was felt all around Eden's head and to her surprise, bringing her hands up to her head, her braids had been taken out during the night.  Her hair was completely down and more wavy at some parts where it had been in braids.

Eden looked around the room for just a moment looking at how dark it was, then trailed her eyes to the curtains.  They had been pulled closed.  Another thing that 'magically' happened as she slept last night.

Her face still felt warm and soft from the tears she cried out the night before and her eyes burned the way they would if air was being blown into them nonstop and still, they were bloodshot.

Perhaps it was because she had let it all out the night before, but the feelings she felt yesterday had drifted away.

All of the pain and regret was hidden beneath the surface once again.  She had gained her control back.

It felt like the first day in weeks that the girl felt energized or ready to do something.


The house elf apparated beside her bed holding what looked to be her clothes from the previous night and that was when she realized that not only was her hair taken out of her braids and not only had the blinds been shut to prevent the light from waking her up, but she had also been changed.

What next, she finds out she's been bathed in her sleep as well?

"Tissy, did you change me?"

"Tissy did.  You were uncomfortable.  You told me before you slept and Tissy helped you like you asked of her."

Eden was confused.  She had no recollection of that conversation ever happening, but trusted Tissy's word for it.  She had no reason to lie and even if she did Eden was at the point where she really did not care anymore.

"I would like to walk.  Will you take me on a walk?"

"She will not."  The deep voice came after a crack echoed throughout the room.

Eden's head turned as Malfoy looked down at the little house elf standing on the floor.

"I will."

There was a hint of amusement, but overall Eden could not tell how he was feeling.  Draco was good at hiding his emotions and was good at being selfish, but she really could not tell in this situation.

"You will?"

"Is that so surprising Abella?  That I would like to walk you."

"You say it like I'm an animal-"

"Might as well be."

Her jaw clenched tightly. 

How dare he say that to her.  How dare he intrude on her and then call her such a foul thing, an animal.  Oh the way she wanted to rip his head off.  She could picture herself doing it too...

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