Chapter 15

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Whatever happened to him, Eden did not want Draco's other personality to return.

The one who did not care for her. 

The one who would yell if she even looked in his direction. 

The one who... 

Hated her.

The song had ended, but neither of them moved from each others arms.

"I think it is your turn now."

"My turn?"  Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the boy. "What do you mean?"

His eyes...

Oh god his eyes were stunning when he wasn't trying to act tough and intimidating.  They looked so amazing.  Eden felt as though she could see every little detail of them just by looking for a second.

"Your turn to say my name."

That was enough for the night. 

Eden gently let go of him and his actions followed hers.  The two separated, still looking at one another.

"I think it is time you return to your party.  They'll realize that their host is gone will they not?"

He chuckled and shook his head, stepping closer to her again.

"The only thing they worry about is themselves.  Besides, why be there with them when I could spend the rest of the night with a little sneak like you?"

There we go.  Back to the insults.

The way he said it in such a casual tone, as if it was something nice.  Like a compliment to give to someone.

What was the time?

Eden looked around for a clock but stopped when Malfoy spoke up, stepping closer again and holding out a pocket watch.

"11:43.  Are you in a rush, Eden? If you were I would like to wonder where it is you need to be."

It caught her by surprise every time it rolled off his tongue.



He was really saying her name. 

He was really treating her like a human being. 

How strange yet comforting.

"I suppose I am not.  Say, why is it you would like me to stay Malfoy?"

"My name.  Say MY name."


Smirking lightly, she began to walk back to the door she entered from, there was seating there and from just that little dance they had, she was real tired. Most likely because she was out of shape.

"Why is it you want me to stay?"

He followed closely behind her like a lost puppy. She could hear his footsteps only a meter or so away from her own.

"Perhaps I feel bad for you. Being locked up in that room all day and night... Is one not allowed to feel bad?"

"I can assure you that I do not need your pity.  It's bad enough you're...  Drunk?  A-And dancing with me? Imagine if you woke up tomorrow to find out you actually showed me emotion for the first time since my arrival."

His jaw clenched and he stopped walking with her, instead watching her continue on without him.

"Your dress-"

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