Chapter 1

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One year and a half...

All that time and she was still on the run.

From whom? She had not the slightest clue. Logically you would think from the Dark Lord, but no. Sure the people after her were sent from him, but she could never tell who she had to fear or look out for.

It wasn't like she hadn't been caught before, she was just smart and strong. Most of the time she could overpower them. Throw them to the floor and kill them like it was not even a challenge, but she knew one day she was going to run into someone stronger than her. Someone so powerful that she would not be able to take on.

She remembered seeing her face on the Daily Prophet.  It had fallen on the floor, on it was a picture of her with big text right above and below it. 'WANTED!' The rewards started off low, maybe 15 galleons to start, but it began to go up until it was almost 1000 gold galleons just for the girl.

It wasn't hard to hide and she had become accustomed to all the filthy living conditions she had to live through in order to survive.

Who she was? Eden Abella, aged 18, technically 19 since today was in fact her birthday. She was a pretty petite skinny girl. She stood at a whopping 5'3", but that didn't mean she was weak. She knew how to fight and if she was put in a situation where there were 3 large, physically strong wizards she would still be able to win.

Her secret was confidence. It would never matter how much bigger you are than a person. It did in fact matter how strong you were in casting your spells. Showing confidence and not worrying about size differences came in handy almost 100% of the time.

"Eden!" She heard a whisper causing her head to whirl around as she sat in the very back of an old pub's kitchen, isolated from the rest of the wizards and witches, not that there were many in this disgusting place anyway.

It was run down, had water leaking from the ceiling and smelled awful. There was definitely some sort of animal problem here because it reeked of rotting, dead, flesh that was decaying every second she sat there.

She stood from the wooden stool and placed her feet flat down onto the ground, hands going behind her back as she stuck her head around the corner of the shelf to see the lovely owner of this horrible place.

Just because the place was bad did not mean that the owner was the same.

Florence. That was her name. The old lady had given Eden food after helping her fight off a death eater sent by the Dark Lord. It was one of her first nights hiding. She was scared and lonely and felt sick to her stomach from the lack of food and water. Instead of leaving the already weak Eden to starve to death on the floor of the back alley, she took her inside, gave her some food, water, a change of clothes and a place to stay for the night. Ever since then Eden had come for resources and to just check in on the old lady in general.

She was reaching her final years, but she was indeed a great wizard. Helped heal Eden right back up the time she had almost died at the hands of a Death Eater.

Eden had Florence to thank for teaching her the incredible duelling skills she knew and used to this day, 16 whole months later.

As she peeked around the corner her eyes were met with the kind lady holding a plate of food consisting of fries, salad and half a chicken wing. She was thankful for anything she got and the half eaten chicken wing would be the least of her worries in a few minutes time.


"There you are!  I've got you some leftovers. I thought you might like the fries, chicken, they'll fill you up enough to where you'll be alright for the couple of days you're gone."

Eden quietly walked over to the old lady and grabbed the plate out of her hands. As she looked down at the food, her stomach was practically begging for her to shove it all down her throat and call it a day, but she contained her excitement and pushed it to the back of her mind, far enough to the point she had forgotten about the thought completely.

"Thank you so much Florence. Is there anything I could possibly do to make it up to you? I could clean after everyone is gone and- and..." That one thing was possibly the only thing she could have done to make it up to her.

The woman shook her head and put a hand on her hip, moving her weight to one side completely. "Of course not you silly girl. You being caught is the last thing I would want and if you help me out after hours... I just would not like to take any risks. You've come so far to be caught now. Say how have you been? Where are you living now?"

"The Weasley twins abandoned joke shop... Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes I think it's called? To my surprise, abandoned shops are the last place they're looking for me. I think I'm going to really survive if I keep hiding there. Not only is it a good shelter, but it reminds me of him. Of Harry..."

Oh Harry Potter, how much Eden missed him, his touch, his kisses, his love, his presence, even the warm feeling she was filled with every time she walked into his room. It pained her just to think about the moment her colour began to fade. It had not gone completely, but it was definitely dull. Everything now seemed too cold for her liking and she missed seeing such beautiful colours. Now everywhere she turned made her upset. She was looking at things that used to have to much value to her, which now just made her extremely upset and angry not only with herself but with the world.

Perhaps it was her pent up rage that helped her stay alive, but one thing was for sure. She had done good so far and if she died without finding another soulmate she would be just as happy. No one would ever come close to how Harry made her feel.

No one.

"Oh no hun. Don't bring yourself down. Listen I'm going to come back here in just a few minutes, we're going to eat together you and I. Just let me clear everyone out of here." Florence turned on her heel before Eden could even get a word in and she was now left standing there with her hands in front of her, holding the plate of food she was so excited to eat up.

Her legs were beginning to grow tired and the girl made her way back to the wooden stool and sat down on it, placing her food down onto the counter beside her, which probably wasn't even sanitary, but she didn't worry too much about it.

Useless | Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang