Chapter 2

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Being left alone in this scary kitchen gave Eden the creeps. Not only were the lights flickering and dying out, but she could barely hear anything. She felt like she was in a cell when she was left alone in here and that was saying something because places like this never really scared her considering she was left to stay in them all of the time.

The chatter of happy wizards and witches from the main room suddenly came to a halt and Eden could have sworn she heard a few gasps and small, faint shrieks. When she heard the next few words her heart stopped and she stood from the stool quickly.

"We know Eden Abella is here. If you would like to give her up and surrender her to us now, please do so. Otherwise, we have the right to tear this establishment to pieces until we find her on our own."

Running would be stupid, they probably had the place surrounded as they spoke, but staying could cost the girl her very own freedom...

While weighing out the possibilities in her head, Eden's heart began to race and she hadn't noticed but her breathing was becoming more frequent as if she was gasping for air with each breath she took.

The message was slowly becoming clear to her.

She either needed to surrender herself or Florence could have gotten into extreme trouble. She had already lost so many important people in her life and she didn't want to lose another because of something stupid that she could have solved.

She looked back at the food left on the counter and grabbed a handful of the fries just to shove them into her mouth since that would probably be the last time she had some enjoyable, delicious food.

Eden took hesitant steps toward the door, she could not even believe that she, Eden Abella, was going to be sacrificing herself to save someone else right now.

After everything she had done and after everything she had accomplished. This was where it all ended. She tried to convince herself that she was doing this for a good cause, helping someone she loved and by the time she got to the doorway it was set in her mind.

"I'm right here."

Everyone's heads turned, some even putting their hands to their mouths in shock, as if they actually gave a shit.

The man in the room was tall, way taller then her and she was indeed intimidated by him on first glance. She put her hands up and stepped out a tiny bit more, eye narrowing to his lips where the man, who hid behind a mask which covered the upper portion of his face, smirked.

"There she is... Eden." The deep tone of his voice felt like it rumbled the room or at least Eden because she felt shaky, though that could have just been because she was scared. Worried about the future to come now that she had just given up everything.

Two men suddenly grabbed her upper arms tightly, making her yelp from the unexpected pain that coursed through her and from the corner of her eye she could see Florence shift in discomfort and wipe her forehead out of stress while everyone else in the room watched this all unfold before their eyes.

"16 months, 4 days and 7 minutes later and we've finally found you." The man pressed his wand under her chin applying minimal pressure to it and looking over her. "You've cleaned up quite nicely hmm?  Taking into consideration you've been living in a dump...  You two, take her out of here, get her to the Dark Lord. I'm sure he would like to examine her, get some background on her before he does as he pleases with her. Not like there's anything special anyway." The wand dragged out from under her chin and the man's face turned from a smirk to a snarl.

She tried to conjure up any power she could get, but whenever it hit her hands it would just die out...  The Death Eaters behind her were stripping her powers...

For Eden this felt more embarrassing than anything. Being lectured about herself by a bunch of grown men who looked to be at least 10 years older then her? How sexist and gross. She knew after the battle men built their way back to the top, but she didn't realize how bad it really was since she hadn't been around many people. Part of being isolated was not knowing the new ways of living and she learned that quite quickly.

"Eden!" Florence exclaimed while covering her eyes. She couldn't bear to watch her be in such pain while being dragged out so forcefully by the men of the law.

Swiftly, her head turned and with tears in her eyes, she smiled at her mentor, her friend, basically her family at this point. It hurt Eden to see her be in such distress over someone like herself. This wouldn't be the last time she saw Florence and deep down she knew that.

The girl was confident she would escape no matter what, but she understood why the woman was so upset.

For her this must have felt like Eden was being taken to be isolated, tortured and most likely killed, which Eden knew was a possibility, but she was determined not to go down without a fight. Little did Florence know how much she really did teach Eden in the end.

The men dragged her through the back where they had come from. The wooden door was fully off of the hinges which Eden noticed as they dragged her along. She tried to wiggle and squirm her way out just in case she could have made a run for it, but she realized that these people were not like the others who had tried to capture her in the past... They were stronger, more powerful and way more experienced wizards.

She wasn't going to be getting out of this situation this time. No way.

The rain falling from the pitch black and cloudy sky just made this feel even more real. This was the last bit of nature she was going to see, the last bit of rain she was going to feel and the last taste of freedom she was going to get.

This feeling she had... It felt like her life was crumbling to the floor in front of her.

"Crucio!" One of them exclaimed, while the other let her fall to the hard, wet ground in pain. She could barely move, but tried to hold herself in her arms. Her hands were shaking and the scream she let out was enough for the whole town to hear. This was some of the worst pain she had ever felt and it didn't seem to be stopping soon.

They needed her weak. Weak enough to have control over her and that's exactly what they were getting. She felt her body cramp up and it felt like a knife was being stabbed in and out of her over and over again until tears streamed down her face and she shouted in agony.

Someone passing by would have thought she was actually being stabbed to death in the back alley.

The spell suddenly stopped and so did her screams, but the tears were still there, running down her cheeks like a flowing river. Who cared if she let it all out now, she was as good as dead anyway.

"Not so cocky now are you?" The man that was once holding her asked while he pushed her hair roughly out of her face to see the tears rolling down her cheeks for himself, like it gave him some sort of amusement to see her in so much pain.

Being picked up, Eden was thrown into the back of a carriage and locked in there behind a metal door with a few bars covering the small rectangle which was used to look into the cell at the person inside of it. Though, it wasn't like she was going anywhere anyway. Not too long after she was thrown into the cell her body began to fail her and her vision became blurry until she was left in complete darkness.

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