Chapter 57

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It was quiet.

Utterly silent.

And Dark.

Eden couldn't open her eyes just yet, but she was slowly coming to.

The bed she was in was comfortable.  Way more comfortable than the one in her room.  She was in Draco's.

The sheets in his room were heavier and kept her warmer, plus they felt different.  Less harsh on her skin.

Her eyes were so heavy, yet she forced herself to open them.

Eden did not want to be stuck in the darkness.  It scared her too bad.

Until she opened her eyes and saw the sunlight shining through his windows, she thought that she was for sure in come kind of coma or maybe even dead.


"Hmm?"  The girl hummed faintly and tried to sit up against the pillow her head once laid on.

For real, what the fuck was happening to her...

Every motion of her arm made an ache swarm her body.  An ache painful enough to make her scream out in pain, yet she did not do that.  She just physically couldn't.

"Shh.  Stop.  Lay down."

There was only one question on Draco'a mind while he looked at the girl in his bed.

It had been two weeks.  She needed to have an answer for him now that she was awake.  It had almost felt impossible for him to wait as long as he did.

"Draco?"  The rasp in her voice did not help her in that situation.

Malfoy ignored her question and got straight into what he wanted to know.  "Do you remember?  Do you remember who I am?"

"Y-Yeah...  You're Draco-"

"I mean do you remember me.  Do you remember what I just played for you.  Do you remember what you mean to me?"

It was hard holding himself from just engulfing her in a hug and holding her, but the harsh truth is that there was a chance that everything he just played for her and tried to replant in her memories did not stick.  Had he just suddenly hugged her, she would be confused.

As she came to, successfully siting up against the pillow, Draco asked her again.  "Do you remember what you mean to me Eden?  Do you remember who I am?"  So much hope filled his body while he awaited her answer.

Heart beating, legs shaking, tears filling his eyes although he did not even know the answer just yet.

"I told you it wasn't a goodbye Draco."

A breath of relief left his mouth and he immediately wrapped his arms around her body, not holding her too tight, but just enough to feel her.

This was the girl he knew.

This was the girl who loved him.

And this was the only girl Draco could ever learn to love.

"W-Why didn't you tell me sooner?  Why did you wait so long...  After I-  After I tried to kill myself?  After I've almost been raped by Voldemort himself?"

"Fuck Eden I'm so sorry.  I'm so fucking sorry.  I'm sorry...."  Draco kept repeating those two words like a broken record in her ear with his voice cracking from the crying and his hand on the back of her head, caressing her hair gently, just like he used to.  "I wish I did more.  I wanted to tell you.  Not a day went by that I didn't want to tell you."

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