Memory 6

468 11 3

January, 1998

"Draco said something about your job... What did he mean? Where do you work Eden... You can tell me I won't be mad. I'll support you-"

"You're a bloody liar Harry because after I tell you, you will have lost all your respect for me. You'll hate me forever. You'll think I am some kind of whore. You'll never want to touch me again-"

Harry grabbed her hand and sat next to her on the edge of her bed. "I promise you. I will not think any of those things..."  The boy paused for a moment and lowered his head.  "Are you a prostitute?"

"God no!" She exclaimed and yanked her hand from his grasp.

Had he really thought she would go so low?

Let people have sex with her in order to keep this apartment. Sure she wanted to stay here, but she was never, ever willing to go that far to keep this place.

"I'm a stripper... Hermione was really the one who talked me into it. She made a good point. It was either homelessness or being a stripper and I am already a dancer, so doing it on a pole for a bunch of men didn't seem to be an issue. And once I got over the fact that I was basically naked, it wasn't so bad."

So much was sprung onto him.

His girlfriend was a stripper.

An underage girl was a stripper.

Did they not look at ID's these days?

Eden had one, she was a muggle before she was a witch.

"So this is Hermione's doing? I'll need to speak with her-"

"NO! Harry please do not do that. Do not say anything to anyone. See!  This is why I didn't want to tell you in the first place." Eden sighed as if she were on the verge of tears and laid back on the surface of her bed.

Stress was the only thing she could feel at that moment and it was all Draco's fault.

"How come Draco knew and I didn't?" Harry asked.

Even after everything she's told him his only thoughts were about Malfoy and what he had to do with this. Harry has taken jealousy to a whole new level, when she was not even the one cheating here.

"He just showed up. Before he left me at the burrow the night of... You know the night Narcissa died, he told me he would find me to return my things. I didn't know he would be finding exactly where I was so one night, he showed up and took me home after my shift."

Eden figured it would be better not to tell Harry about the man who was harassing her the night Draco found out. If he'd known she knew what he would do.

Probably drag her over there right now and make her quit on the spot.

"So he's seen you basically naked?"

"Is that even the bloody point Harry?!" She snapped.

Quickly, she stood from the bed and rubbed her head stressfully.

"I'm sorry... I know you're just concerned. Do you need a place to stay? I would assume so after the burrow burnt down. You can stay here. It'll be nice to have someone else around here anyway. So lonely all of the time."

After Harry agreed the two of them got settled in.

There was nothing left to do aside from get comfortable and live the rest of the day as if there was not a severe attack on the burrow that morning all because of Harry.

For half the day both Eden and Harry tried to put together an anti-apparation enchantment, but neither of them knew what they were doing and the lack of books and help was making it worse so for the night they would leave it, maybe get Hermione to come and help them out.

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