Chapter 25

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Thankfully, Eden was not asleep for long. She woke up only a few hours later.

When she woke, she found herself trying to catch her breath, like she was out of it though she could feel she had enough.

The feeling stopped as quickly as it came and her stomach sank slowly. Her eyes began to scan through where she was right now.

Comfortable bed...

Large room...

Huge windows which were covered by long drapes...

This was not her room.

This was not where she went to sleep every night nor woke up every morning. She had no clue where she was, but she knew she was still in the manor which helped calm her down a lot.

"T-Tissy?" Eden got out with a huge rasp taking over her voice.

The girls throat was dry, she hadn't had anything to eat or drink since before she went to see Voldemort.

It was hurting her, her throat.


Instead of seeing the small house elf that she normally saw when her name was called, there was a full sized human boy standing there and his name was Draco Malfoy.

His hair looked messy, his eyes had dark circles. He was tired, stressed even.


He walked to the side of the bed holding out a glass cup filled with cold water for her to grab. It was basically calling her name and the second she put it to her lips, Eden had chugged it all.

Immediately she felt refreshed and she felt like all the colour was coming back to her face and lips.

When he took the cup back his hand brushed hers for only a moment before his eyes darted up to her own and he pulled his hand away letting the cup drop onto the floor.

Eden watched before her eyes as the cup fell suddenly breaking into several tiny sharp pieces.

"For fucks sake!"

Malfoy shouted loudly and looked over the mess he had just made.

"Let me help you-"

"No!.. I mean, no. You could hurt yourself. I'll get Tissy in here later on..."

Eden stared at him for a second more until her eyes fell to her hands. "You don't trust me."

"No I actually do not. If I let you near a bunch of broken glass who knows what you would do to yourself... The Dark Lord would not be impressed if I let anything like that happen to you."

By that point it was evident in the way he spoke that this had nothing to do with the Dark Lord anymore.

This was for him and his liking.

Though Eden could not understand why Draco Malfoy of all people could have wanted to keep her safe, she knew he was doing it for her own good and not in the interest of anyone else.

So she went along with it allowing him to do whatever he deemed necessary to calm his nerves.

The nervous girl changed the subject, hoping then maybe he would stop staring at her as much as he did then.

"He wants me to dance for him... I have nothing to dance in. No shoes, no clothes-"

"I will get them for you, and anything else you require to please him."

"I need specific shoes... They're called pointe-"

"Pointe shoes."

They both spoke together in unison catching Eden off guard.

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