Chapter 7

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Author's POV

The whole ride was silent, only Hwayoung's sniffles were heard as she didn't lose hold onto Seoyeon. Seoyeon's blouse was stained with tears already, but she just ignored it and continuously rubbed Hwayoung's back with gentleness while hushing her. And up until they reached the building, Hwayoung is still clinging to her so she decided to just carry her upto Namjoon's office. Even though Namjoon offered to carry her, Hwayoung still refused so he just let Seoyeon do the job. The moment they entered the building, eyes were plastered on Seoyeon carrying Hwayoung,  while she just ignored them and continued walking behind Namjoon. Whispers, gossips, and murmurs were buzzing around them and only the closing of the elevator door halted it.

"Hwayoung, Princess, are you feeling better? Ms. Park might be struggling to carry you, why don't you let daddy do it?" Namjoon worriedly asked but Hwayoung buried her face on the crook of Seoyeon's neck.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim, Hwayoung isn't that heavy." Seoyeon assured with a small smile so Namjoon just sighed as he nods.

When the elevator opened, they both walked quietly until they reached Namjoon's office. Inside, Seoyeon went to the sofa and gently laid Hwayoung down.

"I'll just get you a blanket and a pillow, okay?" Seoyeon hummed softly to Hwayoung while fondling her hair.

"Please be quick..." Hwayoung mumbled so Seoyeon assured her before going to her desk, right in front of Namjoon's office.

She took her woolen blanket and square pillow, that were newly packed and cleaned, which she uses when she takes a nap from their lunch break. She went inside and saw Namjoon sitting down near Hwayoung while caressing her hand and stroking her hair. When Namjoon saw Seoyeon, he stood up and let her sit to where he was.

"Sweetheart, would you be fine to use these for a while? Don't worry, these are new and clean." She smiled but Hwayoung didn't care if they're old already, just the thought that it's from Seoyeon, it's already appreciated.

So, Seoyeon tucked Hwayoung to sleep by holding her hand and fondling her hair. It made Namjoon smile softly in secret but it quickly faded when Seoyeon looked at him.

"Sir, your meeting is in ten minutes." She whispered and Namjoon just thanked her.

And after a few minutes of watching Hwayoung to sleep, it's finally time for the meeting so Seoyeon carefully slipped her hands off of Hwayoung's grip but before she could stand up, Hwayoung grabbed her hand and she started to sob.

"M-Mommy, please don't leave me..." She sniffled and it panicked Seoyeon because Namjoon heard it.

"But I have to attend the meeting, sweetheart. Don't worry, I'll be back soon—"

"Just stay with her, Ms. Park." Namjoon stated. "I'll be fine on my own, just stay beside Hwayoung until she feels better." He requested and saw Hwayoung smile weakly at his words.

"Noted, Mr. Kim." Seoyeon smiled, and Namjoon nodded at her before leaving the office.

But before Namjoon fully closes the door, he peeked inside to see what is happening. Seoyeon and Hwayoung were talking about something, until Hwayoung hugged her while Seoyeon fixed the blanket around the girl. Again, Namjoon's heart quicken its beating but he shrugged it off and closed the door.


Seoyeon's POV

When Mr. Kim left the office, I decided to talk to Hwayoung. Seeing how she was bullied a while ago already broke my heart.

"Sweetheart, may I ask something?" I softly asked as I stroke her hair.

"Yes, mommy." She answered feebly, then she suddenly shifted on my lap and hugged me on the waist, resting her head on my shoulder.

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