New brothers (Young brothers)

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"George! Where are you?" Margaret called out and looked for her six-year-old son.

"Here mom. What is it?" He asked and came into the living room where his parents were sitting.

"We need to talk to you about something very important." Said William. George nodded slowly and sat down next to his parents.

"Have you ever heard of siblings?" Asked Margaret. The boy giggled.

"Of course, mom. I'm not stupid." She smiled at him as she stroked his hair.

"And how would you like it if you got one?" George smile fell.

"I'm getting a sibling?"

"Yes. I'm pregnant honey. You're getting a brother." He nodded slowly.

"What will he be called?"

"Malcolm." She declared proudly.

"Ma, I don't want a brother." Said George, looking into her eyes. She stopped smiling too.

"George. We can't change it anymore. Your father and I wanted a second child." George nodded.

"We could kill the baby." He muttered.

"George!" Shouted both adults at the same time. "Of course not!" George nodded and then went to his room.

"That didn't go well." William muttered as he kissed his wife on the forehead and stroked her baby bump.


It had been months now and Margaret knew that she would give birth to her child today. She was in the hospital. After a long labor, little Malcolm Mitchell Young was born. He stared at his parents with big brown eyes. William kissed his wife happily.

"You did so well, honey." She smiled.



"Yes?" George came into the kitchen. He had been home alone. Margaret put a small bundle on the kitchen table.

"Do I get a present?" He asked with wide eyes. She smiled and put the covers aside. Big brown eyes stared at George.

"What is that?" Asked the boy, shocked.

"This isn't a what, George. This is your little brother, Malcolm." William said, stroking George's back as the boy was sitting on his lap.

"But I don't want a little brother!" George yelled, his eyes glittering with tears. The parents looked at each other helplessly. Malcolm reached out a tiny hand to his brother and grabbed George's finger. George yanked his finger from the grip. Malcolm looked at him whimpering. "I hate you!" George yelled at the baby and ran away. Margaret wept.

"George!" Shouted William, running after him. Malcolm was crying too. Margaret put the baby on her breast and whispered:

"Everything will be fine, Malcolm. Everything will be fine."


The year passed quickly. George was always playing tricks on his little brother to hurt him. He put banana peels on the floor, gave him sharp objects, and even mixed poison in Malcolm's bottle. The parents always managed to react in a timely manner.

"George? What are you doing?" Malcolm asked. He was two years old and could speak quite well. George scribbled on a piece of paper.

"Is none of your business."

"But George-"

"Go away!"

"But George, I-"

"I hate you! I hate you so deeply! Die! Nobody wants you anyway!" Malcolm looked at him with crying eyes. The parents came home.

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