First school day (Young brothers)

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Today was Angus' first day of school. Since the parents were at work and hadn't gotten time off, he went there with Malcolm. Mal held his hand and they entered the school yard. Angus had a large school cone in his hands and was wearing a little school uniform. His curls could be seen at the sides of his cap. If you put the school corn on the floor, it was almost bigger than him. Malcolm smiled at him.

"Mal?" Asked Angus with wide eyes. Malcolm looked down at him.

"What is Ang?" Malcolm brushed a curl from Angs face.

"I'm scared." Malcolm knelt in front of him.

"You don't have to, Ang. You're sure make new friends."

"Can you go with me? Parents go normally with their children."

"I can ask in the secretary's office, but I should actually have to go to my own class." Angus nodded sadly. They entered the building and Angus looked around the great hall. Malcolm, who had been at the school for two years, turned straight into a right-hand hallway and pulled Angus up large stairs. There was a narrow passage to the right that they went into. Malcolm stopped in front of a yellow door and knocked.

"Come in." They heard. Malcolm pulled him inside.

"Hello Mrs. Bauer." Malcolm said. She looked up from her typewriter and smiled.

"Ah. Hello Malcolm. What's up?"

"My brother is starting school today and our parents didn't get time off, so they couldn't come. Can I go with him? Only the first day." She hummed thoughtfully.

"Should I release you from class? On the first day of school? Do you think that's a good idea?"

"I'll go to my classroom before that."

"Okay." She typed something, took the slip of paper out of the machine and handed it to Malcolm. Mal thanked her and went out again.

"Can you come with me?" Asked Angus with big green eyes.

"Yes." Malcolm grinned. "But I have to go to my class first." He looked at a map and then went down further corridors until they turned left. There were a lot of children here, Malcolm's age or older. Angus held his brother's hand a little tighter. Malcolm smiled at him. Malcolm walked into a blue door and the children were screaming inside.

"Mal!" Bon shouted and ran up to him to hug him. "How long did it take you? I've occupied myself, you, Cliff and Phil a seat in the back."

"The last row?" Asked Malcolm.

"Yes exactly. Look." He pointed to the back row where two other boys were sitting. Angus already knew them. Bon, Phil and Cliff were his friends too.

"Well Ang? First day of school. Excited?" Bon asked.

"Like hell." Angus grinned.

"Listen, Bon, I'm not here today. I'm just supposed to give the note to the teacher and then I have to go back because I'm going with Ang." Malcolm said.

"Lucky you."

"Can you tell me then what he's been talking about?"

"No problem." They meandered between the tables to their seat. Phil and Mal hit. Angus rolled his eyes.

"AW! How cute are you!?" Squeaked a girl. Everyone looked at her. She stood next to Angus and looked at him in his little school uniform and school bag.

"Yes, it's nice that we've cleared that up, Olivia." Malcolm rolled his eyes and looked at the diary because he was on duty.

"You're just as cute as Malcolm was on the first day of school. But you're still a little cuter." Cooed a second girl who had come along. Angus was red and looked at his white sneakers.

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