1. Beneath the sky

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Anna could not sleep. Too much rumoured her mind. The last two days were trembling with a cast of emotions she had still to sort out.

Here in this quiet place everything started to rewind before her inner eyes. She was tired after all the havoc and yet so fully awake. Excitement mixed with mourning danced a strange arabesque. Excitement for her sister having found her peace with herself and this place of her ancestors. Her mother's family. Anna was happy for Elsa. She could see the peace in Elsa's eyes, her soul seeming to have found her harbour. Elsa's discovery of Ahtohallan had an impact nobody would ever comprehend. She wanted her sister to be happy.

A grieving sting hit her heart realising she would return to Arendelle without Elsa. They had sung that some things never change. Then, just in those days so much had changed. And still, Olaf was right, "one thing will always last - love". Dear Olaf. Happiness filled her heart knowing Olaf was just a few feet away outside, together with her friends. The memory of his little body fading and flurrying off her embrace in the cave's dark made her pull up the blanket to her chin. He was safe now, and cheerful as before. All was good.

While clasping her blanket her fingers run over the ring on her finger. A new touch. Still surprising her. She glanced at the treasure on her hand and the orange stone shimmered in the light of the fire. Anna smiled. A sigh. How wondrous her life had changed in such short time. And all for good. She tried to take in how blessed she was.

Her body hurt and her joints ached, reminding her of the climbing, running, and jumping efforts of the past day. Her hands and knees were bruised and scratched. She had not really realised until now. The quiet. Resting. Taking in all the happening.

Still stroking the ring on her finger, she wondered to the moment when Kristoff took her off guard as he got her attention and had knelt before her. She had dreamed of such an act all her life but was not at all prepared to his confession and proposal at this very point. Tears had filled her eyes while his words made their way to her ears. He loved her. He had told her before. But this time it was different. It came from all his being, as he had said he loved her with all his being. And then the ring. The simple proposal "will you marry me".

"Yes!" It was all she had got out of her throat and all she could do was throwing herself into his embrace.

Had he not tried before to propose? Apparently. But she had not listened.

Anna frowned on herself. She had been distracted to many times. This she must change. Poor Kristoff. How many times had he tried to get her attention? She realised now. Something stirred within her. Anna turned to her side and took in her surroundings.

Honeymaren had been so kind as to let her tent to Elsa and herself. Elsa would get her own tent soon. For this night they were lodged here as guests. A kind gesture. Elsa laid asleep on the other side of the fireplace. So, this would be the new life her sister had chosen. She looked so peaceful. Beautiful.

Anna stirred a little. She felt grateful. Still, something was unsettling her. Her fingers run over the engagement ring again. Her engagement. A new change. A good change. A change for good and for love.

She sat up quietly as not to disturb Elsas sleep. As generous as Honeymarens offer was... she mused. Annas place was not by Elsas side anymore. She belonged not in this accommodation. She belonged to someone else's side now.

Could she do that? What about the royal etiquette? Oh, forget about the etiquette. They were far away of home, with other life rules. Anna kept a little giggle to herself. She was free, free to do what her inner voice told her!

She got up very quietly, gathered silently her blanket, her satchel with spare clothing as well as personal belongings and tiptoed mutely towards the tents entrance. She carefully opened the door and hushed outside. Anna had no idea what time it was. It did not really matter. Not here. She glanced around.

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