5. Enchanted messages

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In Arendelle, everybody was at home again. The streets were back in place. The lamps shone their way in the dark. The mysterious wind had drifted off.

The people had watched in awe. Never had they seen a wave of water so high, rushing down the fjord as they had witnessed from above the cliffs. It had been a most terrifying moment and time had stopped for an instant.

What would happen now? Would their homes be flushed away like the sand on the shore?

Then she had appeared!

First they would not recognise the figure on a creature looking like a horse. It was a horse. A water-horse, galloping ghostlike, but fast as the wind on the water surface. The young woman on the horse was fair, with platinum blonde hair, open and flying with the striking moves of her carrier. She came closer, leaving the washing waves behind her and pulling around sharply just in front of the castles founding rocks to have the creature standing on its hinds. At the same time, the elves-like figure reached out in a commanding gesture and in that very instant a giant wall of ice beheld the upcoming waterflood to stop it's chase. A loud cracking sound cut the air when the ice towered before the waterfall and cut its flow.

The woman slowly sank her hands in a peaceful manner and the water started to retreat. Like a humble servant, bowing before his queen.

Then, the fjord lay still. Like nothing ever had happened. It was over!

Then they recognised the figure. Cheerful shouts and tearful cries of relief were echoed in a cacophony into the fjord's valley below.

Elsa had turned towards them and tears in her eyes revealed how overwhelming this very moment was to herself.

Grand-Pabbie had nodded fatherly, smiling to Elsa. Had he known it all the while? Had he sighted it before? The trolls were a mystery. Still, their presence during this dreadful day of uncertainty had been comforting and sort of reassurance – all would be well.

After Elsa had galloped off again, Grand-Pabbie reassured everybody, that there had nothing to be feared anymore. They would soon learn of the happenings and once the queen and all her people were back home, they would surely have good reason to celebrate and be cheerful.

Telling that, Grand-Pabbie made a generous gesture and bowed, assigning his respect and love for the anxious people listening to him greatfully.

Little did they know, that Grand-Pabbie didn't talk about Elsa, when speaking of the queen's return.

The days were still warm, despite the midst of autumn. Like the sun was meant to comfort the people after the shock of late.

By now, everyone was back ongoing with daily affairs and tasks. Cheerful chatter and laughter could be heard throughout town and marketplace. Anticipation filled the air; the awaiting return of the adventurers was exciting and whole Arendelle was wondering what had happened after all. Of course, there was great puzzling concerning Elsa's appearance on the fjord riding that impressive water-like horse.

Once the royal party would be home, surely the mystery would be solved, and everyone would just be glad to have them all back.


The letter arrived two days after they had left the cliff's refuge.

Gale seemed to enjoy the journey and task she was asked to perform. Hummingly she floated over the fields, through the mountain valleys, into the fjord's winding, passing the cliffs and right towards town. She overflew the castle and headed for a turn around above the marketplace.

Nobody really noticed a change of weather, only that there was suddenly a wind coming on. Oh, please, not again.... The wind seemed the same as a few nights before. But softer, gentle and... did it giggle or even warble?

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