17. Unwelcome visit

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It was early in the morning, when Kristoff was on his way back to Arendelle.

Anna had insisted on him taking a time on his own with Sven, up in the mountains. He had worked so much on his studies and had stayed at her side for a few meetings. She was convinced, it would do him good and after all, she had promised him those little moments of retreat in the first place.

It had been a relief in some way and yes, it had done him good, roaming in his familiar surroundings and taking in the fresh clearness of the mountains. But then, last night, he had hardly slept. It was not the same anymore as it used to be, back then when he was alone and going along with his business. And by now, the ice harvesting for Arendelle was not his obligation anymore. Not that he would not like to go after that work anymore. Those days, time would be less available. At least, he was still free to consider in scheduling some harvesting trips if he wished for.

So, long before sunrise he stopped tossing himself around and decided he could just as well return home to Anna. There were another ten days to the wedding, five days it was now that Anna had been crowned. So much change, and then, it didn't even bother him that much. For some reason Kristoff felt all right and calm about his position, and them handling things best they could. He was positive, they would somehow get this all together.

Sven had not been amused getting up that early, but then at the end, he had been trotting willingly back towards town.

They had passed the cliffs and were on the road into the city, when Kristoff spotted something on the waters in the distance, far back near the horizon. A ship.

They weren't expecting anyone. Who would travel and want to see them at this time of the year? Not, that it wouldn't be possible sailing towards Arendelle. Though the season was about to turn from late autumn into winter, shipping was still possible, with the polarstream passing alongside Arendelle's coastline.

It was too far away as to make out a flag. Though Kristoff wouldn't have a clou about the different land flags anyway. Then, for some reason he had no good feeling about this.

He spurred Sven, to hurry.


The guards had noticed the ship, and through the spying glass they could define the approaching traveler. The two watchmen on the southern tower looked at each other, astsonished and puzzled. One of them turned and made his way hastily towards the castle. The other signalled to his colleague at the east tower, so that one ot them would hurry to call the captain. Once, captain Knutsen heard about the approaching vessel, he called for the General.

Meanwhile Kai had been called out and the guard, who waited in front of the castle doors, told the old master of the household about their sighting.

Kai did not like what he heard and when Gerda showed up to ask what had happened, Kai would ask her to make sure her majesty would not get up too soon. But then, once she was up, she should not have a view to the harbour, yet. Not until they had figured out what was going on. Gerda understood, turning pale.

Kai was about to meet with the General and the Captain who were both to step up, when they heard gallopping hooves coming along through the gates. They stared at Kristoff, who would bring Sven to the stables, just to hurry back to the men.

Out of breath he inquired about the ship he had seen.

The men standing were surprised how the young Lord had got to know about it at all, but then his arriving would be just in time. It was a matter, that would concern him just as well.

"My Lord," the Captain started, "the guards have made out the flag." He stopped and looked into the round. Kristoff exchanged looks with Mathias who clenched and unclenched his fists at his side.

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