19. Musing

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The moment, the Prince and Kai had left the room, Kristoff would brace his hands on the table, head down, taking deep breaths.

What to make out of this? Had it been any use at all? Maybe it wasn't even the fact that Hans' heart hadn't changed in those past three years, than the memory of Anna's state the day he had brought her back, that made him restless. Kristoff didn't care if the Prince had recognised his person. It was of no relevance. But the sight before his inner eye, of the girl with white hair and ice cold skin... Lying on the cold floor, left alone to her agony and shame.

How could she go there and face the home of that rat? How should she decide such a trial? How?

If he were king, how would he decide?

The thought had hushed through his mind like a hushed whisper, but then it had gone just as fast as it had showed up. Kristoff shook his head. Had he turned insane, by now? Worry rose inside him, of Anna being exposed to an unnecessary risk. So, how to decide?

He sat down, lowering his head into his hands, elbows steadied on the table. He burried his face within his palms. His mind went blank.

He had not noticed the slender figure approaching.

Anna could not define the feeling that flooded her heart and abdomen, when she stepped closer, looking at the man before her. It had been agonising, to listen to those harsh words of the past. But then, this chapter had to be closed for good and Kristoff had made sure that she would understand, that they had long since moved on. The girl from back then would not exist anymore, the way she once had.

She stepped closer, trailing her fingers silently through the thick mingling of golden hair.

The touch made Kristoff look up, just to spot the treasured pearl next to him. He turned on his chair, facing Anna and locking eyes with hers, that smiled at him. Her chest heaved with emotion and her shining blue eyes sparkled with love.

He could not help it, but to wrap his arms around her waist and pulling her closer and burry his face into her middle. She answered his embrace by running a hand along the back of his head and with the other caressing his upper back.

Then, she would sink down on her knees, cupping his face with her hands, whispering close, "thank you!"

"That's not a thing," Kristoff mumbled.

"Liar," Anna winkend and pinched his cheek, adding softly, "I love you so much."

Kristoff traced his finger along her cheek, smiling at her, "Anna."

A soft but passionate kiss would seal the fact, for which he had faught this morning.


In the hallway Kai and Mathias stood, exchanging wondersome looks and waiting for the queen and young Lord to return.

Mathias had been speechless. He had not expected to get the privilegde of what he had just witnessed. He could not wait to tell his wife, though he was actually not allowed speaking of internal affairs like this. But Halima was a trustufl and loyal listener and would understand the ernesty of the matter.

Kai smiled. He was content with what he had seen.

After a while, the door opened and the young couple would appear.

As it was time for a break for all and lunch would be served shortly, a further meeting of them all was postponed for the early afternoon.


Prince Martin entered the room.

He made his way to the great armchair beside the fireplace directly, without even looking around the chamber. His wife gestured the servant, that they wouldn't need anything, and then turned to her husband.

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