2. Enchanted confiding

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Olaf was right. The forest had brought changes to them all.

To all of them, the changes lay subconscious, patiently dwelling to be found out by time and to be cherished for good.

Kristoff woke just before dawn. He stirred a little. Anna must have moved at some time and turned to the other side. Her right arm rested above her head like a decorative arc and her left arm clutched around her body. That was no surprise, Kristoff had witnessed her wondrous sleeping habits before. Nevertheless, it was always a sight he could not get enough off. In some way Anna reminded him of a carefree child. Trusting and well settled in her sleep.

He rose quietly and looked around. All seemed quiet, though he heard a cacophony somewhere between the lodges, sounding like light conversation. He peered into the sled. Olaf was still asleep, too. Kristoff decided to have a look for some breakfast he could organise for them. Maybe he could have a quiet chat with Anna before her attention was caught up again by the others.

Kristoff understood the excitement for the folks getting back home. The anxiety of what would await them. He held a great deal of respect towards Lieutenant Mathias and the other soldiers for their time they were held out here. And of course, Anna would want to spend some time with Elsa. They would not see each other anymore for a while, and this might be the greatest quest of all. The thoughts of the previous night were still nagging at him. Kristoff would consider himself a patient fellow. But, if it came to figuring out misunderstandings with Anna, it took him all the guts to remain calm inside. Had he not told her boldly; his love was not fragile? And hadn't she been relieved that moment, leaning into him all comforted and trusting his embrace? All would be well. Hopefully.

Kristoff had reached the folk's quarters. He spied Yelena next to her fireplace. She was about to prepare some food. She had spotted Kristoff before he could say anything and smiled at him.

"Good morning. Like some food for the start of day?" she asked.

"Thanks, that be wonderful. Hm, may I.... take for two? I have.... I mean there is... I am not....", how to tell he got Anna over there? Then on the other hand, why so complicated? Once, Anna would raise, it would be obvious anyway.

Yelena grinned. "I think Anna likes sweets, yes?" she mused, raising an eyebrow.

Kristoff blushed. "Oh, yes she does. Thanks. Wait, how do you know?" he pulled up his shoulders and turned his head as if the answer came from behind.

Yelena did not answer. She shrugged, put on a conspiractional look, and grinned broadly. By then, she had packed some bread, berries, and carrots into a basket. She handed it all to Kristoff and took up a jar of reindeer milk. "You manage?"

Kristoff stared at her, until he understood. "Oh. No. I mean, yes. That is fine. Thank you. All good." He backed off, still facing Yelena. As if she was queen and he the humble servant.

Yelena shook her head slowly and sighed. She chuckled, thinking of Kristoff's wondersome try of proposal amid the woods, when she had arrived, looking for the young men and reindeers. His obvious disappointment and confusion, that Anna had left and not being the one coming for him. In his way awkward, and then so kind and sweet. She tried to imagine the young couple in their royal garments. Then, she laughed heartedly. What difference and wonderful change. Almost magical. In comparison to Annas grandfather Ruenard...

The moment Kristoff had left, Elsa came out of her lodging and looked around. She spotted Yelena and went over to her. "Have you seen Anna?" she pleaded. "She is gone, unusual for her as she normally wakes late. And her belongings are not there, neither." Yelena grinned at her and nodded in Kristoff's direction. Elsa's eyes widened, and she went after her friend. Kristoff noticed her coming behind him and slowed down, thinking hard what to say. Elsa's new look and appearance still kept him in awe. For one, Kristoff found her fascinating. On the other hand, he did not quite get the metamorphose she had gone through. She appeared to him like an elf like creature. Beautiful, but not touchable. He had to shake off those weird thoughts. After all, she was still Elsa and no ghost. Even she was the fifth spirit. How to get this fact? It would surely take its time.

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