21. Treshold

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Elsa had still not been notified yet.

But then, she had trusted her sister to do what's best for Arendelle. And Anna's mind was set to do just that. She would confide in Elsa as soon as all was settled and decided. All of it. Hopefully, she would understand. But then, if Elsa wouldn't understand the necessity of her handling, who would.

Anna took a last look into the mirror and befound herself fit to go. Her coronation dress would give a certain weight to the occasion, she hoped. Gerda had done a great job again on her stubborn hair, to put it into places. Her tiara was pinned tightly to her top braid, it could withstand any hurricane, Anna was sure of it. And she made a face at the thought of her aching head, only after wearing this thing more than one hour. No wonder, Elsa wanted to get rid of it... But then, Anna chuckled about the absurdity of the thought and then made her way to the door.


Prince Martin felt alerted.

He had asked their delegated servant to talk to somebody responsible. He had an urgent question to dispose. After that, Kai had appeared, to take notice of his wish.

The Prince was eager and hoped to get a chance to talk to that young Lord one more time. As he had gone over the young man's questions in his mind repeatedly, he had concluded that he needed to add to his previous answers.

Kai had promised to return with a reply. That had been one hour ago. By now, Martin got worried.

"Sit down and don't brood over it. Surely, they have some more other things to do, than to look after you like a toddler." Barbara tried to calm her husband, as she'd done several times those past days. Though she liked the surroundings and the daily walks in the royal gardens, that had been granted to them; she too, started to get worried about the outgoing of their journey. She would not let Martin know about her doubts of his mission. Oh dear, no. It would give him the creeps. So, she smiled, took up her book again, that had been handed to her on request.

A bit later, Kai entered the room and informed the guests, that his lordship would see them in the early afternoon.

Martin let out a breath of relief and nodded respectfully. The afternoon would be good. He could wait for that.


Kristoff came down the hallway in his noble suit, accompanied by Olaf, who was excited like before Yule's night.

"Oh, I feel like that moment, when the Yule's bell being brought in. You know, like when you and Sven present the bell on your sled? This is so exciting. And then, when this meeting is over, it's going to ring. Yes, it will!"

"Olaf, it's still almost six weeks to Yule's night, all right? And please, don't make me nervous."

"But you have brought in the Yule's bell twice by now? Are you still nervous about that?" Olaf looked up with his big innocent eyes.

"No Olaf. Not about that, believe me." Kristoff couldn't be angry at the little snowman. He was to honest and childlike. He patted Olaf's head and tried to concentrate on what lay ahead. He wouldn't even think about Prince Martin's request for another talk. He had mused over it when Kai had approached him early this morning. As if there was not enough commotion now? But then, maybe this was just part of the game... What a start...

At the bottom of the staircase there stood General Mathias and the bishop, Frederik Amundsen. At least two friendly people, whom he would know personally and cherish for their upright character.

The two ministers who had greeted Anna on her first day after their return, Lord Henriksen and Lord Ruud, had arrived and entered the conference room already. Together with them was the third of the called dignitaries, Lord Falun.

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