6. Wondersome morning

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Anna woke in the early morning hours, the sunrays softly kissing her nose.

Her eyes fluttered slightly at the tickling touch. She laid turned to her side, cuddled like a child, the blanket tucked under her chin. The fresh air made her crawl under even more. It was not unpleasant or uncomfortable, just making her relish her nest a bit more for the moment. Kristoff and Sven were still asleep next to her. Normally Kristoff was the one, getting up early and moving around before she would even wake. Seeing him like that had been rare till now and Anna smiled.

Their moments together of the past day tingled through her mind. Their trustful confiding about their marital life... Sorting out doubts... Laughing, riding together, joking, discussing the travel issues... Then their trip with Olaf and Elsa, making Anna grateful again it had just been a family-outing without danger lurking... The jovial return to the village and evening with the others...

And then, Anna's smile broadened, Kristoff's marriage proposal in private... And his beautiful, heart melting song... Just for her! Her right hand wandered off to her engagement ring and stroke it gently. She was overwhelmed of all the bliss and love of all those moments.

One more day was left and tomorrow they would leave homeward. Anna sighed. For one she was happy to head home, on the other hand she hated to say farewell to Elsa and her new friends. They were not merely friends, they were family, too. But she would not brood. Anna decided to enjoy this day and every moment of it.

She yawned and stretched out from under her blanket. The sun was about to send stronger rays through the trees and Anna could not doze any longer. Maybe she should get up and get something for breakfast and then for once serve Kristoff. It would be a good change. This idea shot some excitement through her and she quietly slipped out from her sheets and got up carefully not to wake him up.

She tiptoed to the wagon and peered in. Olaf was still fast asleep. Good. Anna quietly fumbled out her bag from under the seat. She then steeled herself quietly away and went quickly to the wood's creek to go through a brief morning toilet, and to change her dress. On her way back she quietly put the bag behind the sled and then went over to the centre place.

She enjoyed the lovely morning light and peaceful moment, when a lively breeze curled her hair and gave her a gentle push on the shoulders. "Oh, good morning Gale," Anna giggled, "about to wake the forest, are you?" Gale hummed and swung Anna's scarf up to her ears, before trailing away towards the woods.

Yelena was up and about to light the main fire. Bruni came hopping along, helping with some flashing flames, to the older woman's delight. Another young woman, Edina, stood there to talk to Yelena.

Anna waited; she did not want to interrupt. Bruni spotted Anna and rushed over to quirl around her feet, spinning off racing after Gale, that had come along calling for the fire-friend.

Anna smiled and glanced back to the fireplace. Edina pointed into the direction of the pond, that lay in a moderate walking distance. The women shared some words, nodded and Edina went off to gather with two young girls who stood waiting for her. Yelena turned and noticed Anna and would smile at the young woman.

Anna now approached. Yelena poked at the fire again and welcomed the princess with her soft but clear voice, "good morning child, you're up early. I thought you like to sleep in?" She chuckled and then turned to Anna in full, "excited?"

Anna was still impressed with Yelena in person. She seemed so wise, so knowing, as if she could see through her mind... But then, Yelena had just read her mind indeed, so yes, she was excited...

Yelena chuckled softly and laid a hand on Anna's shoulder, "that's no wonder my dear. You had a great share of excitement and emotions, that were taking you on an extraordinary journey those last days. You deserve a good deal of a gentle treatment."

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