11. Duties and delights

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The lovely autumn sun had turned everything in golden colours by now.

Halima had continued with her work and from time to time she smiled to herself. The incident moments ago was just too sweet. She sighed and went on, disposing of some flowers waste from bounding the bouquets. While moving about her tasks, she had first not noticed the tall figure standing somewhat remote.

Then, in the corner of her eye she caught the glimpse and her breath started to get heavier, with her heart pounding. So soon. She had not expected this to happen... now.

The usually calm woman was used to watch out into the ocean's horizon every day. It was her daily view. Soothing water would splash against the docks' walls. She tried hard to focus on the effect, that would now be of great use. What was she supposed to say, what to do? She had no idea.

Then, the deep and friendly voice got to her ear. So familiar, still, after all those years. A voice trembling, nervous, too.

"Good day, Halima."

There he stood.

Tall and firm. Broad shoulders. A sincere and honest face. Hair had turned slightly grey at the sides. But he was still so good looking. By now, her heart went on gallops. Halima would stand still. A smile formed on her face, sincere and happy.

Then she noticed. The smile broadened and she couldn't help it, but to let out a genuine and singing laugh. The florist held one hand to her middle and the other went up to cover her giggling mouth. She didn't mean to embarrass the man. Oh no. But now she understood. The cute encounter with Kristoff. Indeed, that was a truly sweet intention.

"Welcome home, Mathias," she said in a warm and welcoming tone. Poor Mathias. He stood somewhat forlorn. She had to rescue him out of his rigid.

"I must say. Are those pretty flowers for me?"

Mathias shrugged smiling and stepped closer, reaching out to her. For a moment, they just stood there, silent. Halima took the bouquet from his hand, gently and hardly noticeable touching the back of his hand with her fingertips. But he noticed it very well.

"Thank you. They are lovely." Halima smiled and smelled the petit roses' fragrance.

"I got told a wonderful tale about their meaning," Mathias gestured to the bundle in Halima's hands, "but I'm afraid I can't recall it so well..."

"That's all right. I know the meaning by heart." Halima blushed slightly, fingering the ivy to rearrange it a bit.

"I hear, you have returned just yesterday. Therefore, I assume you had not had the chance of getting around in town a lot by now?" she asked casually.

"No. But to be honest, I didn't have the nerves to it. We all got so excited of coming home, finally. But then, entering those old and still familiar streets was more challenging than I had thought."

Halima nodded, understanding. She looked out to the waters and then shrugged, suggesting, "do you remember the tiny coffee shop up North street? If you like, I can show you around. There are few changes of shops and buildings by now. But most you will recognise. Maybe the acclimation will come easier that way?"

Mathias beamed, by simply imagining the idea. He held out his arm like the familiar friend would do, smiling.

"I'd love that. May I invite you to a cup of coffee, like we did the day before I left?"

"I've hoped you would do so. Yes, please. And luckily, it is the day after your return. That makes me happy."

Halima then hooked in Mathias' arm and together they would go for a relaxed stroll. To their familiar place for coffee.

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