7. Treats and bliss

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Anna breathed somewhat more evenly, the best way she managed. After a while, she believed to get an idea of the rhythm that was put into the rite.

It was different than what she had once learned briefly. In Arendelle's sauna's the fire-stove was set in the corner of the room, topped with stones that filled the room with dry air. Here, it looked similar, but the stove, referred to as kiua was centre placed and there were several buckets prepared around. Water was frequently poured on the hot stones atop. This produced great amounts of wet steam, known as löyly, increasing the moisture and the within the sauna.

It was kind of easier to breathe than with the dry heat, but still it asked for a lot of concentration on the newcomer's part.

Up to the point of getting in the heated area, all had been quiet fun to her.

Entering the first room had been an excitement itself. There were stools and benches placed alongside the walls, at which several hook-like branches had been worked into the wooden wall. The girls were giggling and chatting, while undressing and laying their clothes on the stools or hanging on the hooks. Edina had got ready herself first and now handed out towelclothes broad enough to cover the upper body and pelvis part.

Elsa had grinned and shrugged, following along the others. Anna had watched in surprise. Since when would her sister join in with so many people so jovially, and then even undressing... But then, why not?

Anna assumed their mother must have practiced this tradition with her own family. So, what better way getting to know her childhood life than by learning it by selfdoing? Anna giggled and with a few finger strikes she got rid of her dress and underwear. Ready with her towelcloth, neatly wrapped around, she followed her friends into the main room.

At this very moment Anna had to think about the men's group. What might they be doing? A sauna treatment, too? She would ask Honeymaren about that. She kind of worried how Kristoff would get along with a bunch of young men gathering in such a way, when he usually took to the custom all alone... She did not have much time for musing.

The instant she entered the main room, her head went blank.

Now they sat. And then not. Anna had concentraded hard to keep her breath stady when she noticed that some of the girls started wandering about. How could they even move in this steam? But then, of course, it was not even heated as hot as they were used to and they were experienced with it all. Anna tried to smile but failed to only a smirk.

Elsa had turned to the other side and gotten into a conversation with Arla, the youngest participant of all. Anna did not want to interrupt and distub, so she remained sitting quietly. She felt a dizziness, oh please no... Concentrate... Come on, concentrate.

Honeymaren got up and came over and sat down beside her, "You know, when you don't feel well, we can go outside if you wish." She was so friendly and understanding. Anna nearly cried out of thankfulness. But she felt ashamed. Why could she just not relax and enjoy? "Thank you," she whispered, staring down at her feet, "that might help, yes."

Honeymaren nodded and then cried softly into the room, "ladies, turn of shift, shall we?" As on command, everybody cheered and slowly moved towards the door that lead to the waterside.

Anna lifted her head and watched the scene. She could not move. She felt so helpless, so heavy, and utterly dreadful. She wished for a hole, that she could dissapear into.

Honeymaren understood and laid a hand on Anna's back whispering back at her, "it's alright, you know. Nobody would blame you for getting troubled in here. Did you know that some of us are quiet happy with the lower heat that we have set up? It makes it easier to chat and just enjoy everything even more." She smiled at Anna, sweat trailing down her ebony face.

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