8. Journey home

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They were ready to go.

The wagons were packed with lots of food supplies and water barrels. To the men's surprise, a little barrel of beer was stowed in their sled. Carrots for the reindeers would not be forgotten of course.

Ryder and his sister were excited to accompany the group and to be the first of their generation to see Arendelle.

Anna checked her belongings one last time. All her laundry and new clothing were neatly packed in her bag. She had put on her travel outfit and the new hairband. She glanced around the place and her stomach ached. It was hard to say goodbye. Still, she was happy to go home now. Surely, this uneasy feeling would subside, once they had traveled for a while...

She mused over the last day and smiled. After the sauna trip with the girls she had napped away a few hours. The sun was about to set when she had woken. Dinner had been a lovely thing. They had all gathered in the centre place and later they were presented with some tradtitional music and singing. It had been an enchanted moment.

"Hey Anna, will you come? I think it is time." Olaf had come to see where his princess was.

"Yes, I come," Anna replied, and turned to the little snowman. "So, Olaf, are you excited going home with us? You know, you can still decide if you want to stay with Elsa? I would understand."

"No Anna, my mind is set. I won't leave you alone. Though you are actually not alone, you know. But I feel like belonging to you... Is that... right?"

Anna laughed and crouched down to hug her friend tightly. "Yes Olaf, of course it is and I'm very happy about that!"

"So are we," the friendly voice confirmed Anna's statement. Kristoff stood behind them, arms crossed, grinning. Sven skipped close to lick Olaf's cheek. "Hehehe, that's tickeling..." Olaf giggled and Sven heaved him up between his antlers, and together they trotted back to the village.

"Ready?" Kristoff asked, offering Anna his arm.

"Yes." Anna hooked her arm in, glad for the comfort, and they went after their friends. While they walked on, Anna glanced up at Kristoff and chuckled, brushing his freshly shaved cheek with her hand, "oh, nice, I must say." Kristoff grinned and perked a little kiss on her fingers.

Everybody had gathered in the centre. When Anna and Kristoff arrived, Elsa approached them. The soldiers stepped out from the gathering and came along to stand with them.

"We wish you a safe and quiete journey. Make sure to take care. And when you're home, please give us note. Gale will come along every now and then to see about." Elsa had taken Anna's hands, but was looking at all of them while talking.

"We will, I promise." Anna squeezed her sister's hands and they hugged. Then a great cacophony of farewells and hugging here and there commenced, with those who they had got to know a bit better. The soldiers themselves would be saying goodbye with a heave of emotions. So long they had lingered among this naturebond culture. The parting seemed harder than they first had thought. A lot of well wishing and thanksaying were exchanged.

Then, they would close in to bring their goodbyes, too.

Gale swirled around among the people, brushing each of the departing through the hair and around their bodies. It was a jovial thing.

Bruni had showed up at Elsa's feet and on her gesture, the little salamander hopped off into the trees to light a fire alley along the way out. Everybody had got used by now to this fascinating performance, though the moment was emotional enough.

Elsa smiled at Anna and said that she would ride with them to the forest end. Anna nodded, that would be nice.

Elsa had called her waterspirit-horsefriend Nock, who emerged up from the brook's water and stood now prancing next to her. He lowered to his front leg and Elsa mounted with ease. Then, they set off to ride along next to Anna's and Kristoff's wagon. The people staying behind waved their goodbyes and wellwishings.

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