13. Reasoning

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Kristoff would find Sven still in the garden, him and Olaf dozing in the sunlight.

He called for his buddy and bid the little snowman to go and look after Anna. She might well use some company. Then, he mounted his reindeer and set off for a rushed ride out of town, up north towards the mountains.

He would not mind the people wondering about them racing through the streets.

Once they had reached the edge of Arendelle's town boarders, Kristoff let Sven slow down his pace. After all, it wasn't his friend's fault, that he felt urged to head out of his environment. There was the one place, the young man knew, he could let out his anxiety and troubled thoughts of what had just happened moments ago.

Kristoff had not seen his family since quite a while. He was sure, the trolls would be happy seeing him. Though they might for sure ask him questions all mingled and in chaotic ways, they always wanted the best for him. He could retreat to their hiding, anytime, in any circumstance.

Sven sensed the agonised tension of his friend and with widened eyes he tried to understand what was going on. At some point he would know and then, he would be there for the man who had cared for him all his life, too. For now, he trotted patiently towards the beloved and so familiar surroundings.

Why had she acted so weird? Why had she not simply spoken her mind? Spontaneously, optimistic, and jovial... the way he had come to know her those past months of their relationship? Of course, every now and then, Anna could swop from all happy to thoughtful and anxious. Her flippy nature was not unknown to him. But before in the office, that was unfamiliar. Maybe it had just to do with her being thrown into her new obligations? The load of upcoming demands and decisions to master?

At this point, the anger subbed, and worry broke through. What if it all was too much for her, to cope? But then, he would think just the same way, like he dreaded she would.

Kristoff shook his head and took in some deep breaths of fresh air. The clear and not used up air, that one would only breathe up here, in the solitude of the giant walls of great rocks and the calming fragrance of trees. His thoughts wandered off, back into the enchanted forest.

He sighed. It had all been so clear back then. Their confiding talk in the morning after the rescue. Her reassuring encouragement of him being more than equal to her.

And here, all engulfed by royal chambers, documents, aristocratic talking... How could he hold his promise...?


Anna had sat down on the same chair, that Kristoff had just sat on. It was like, he was still there. But he wasn't.

Goodness! What had she done? She must have lost her mind. Restless, Anna got up and started roaming the room. She was furious inside. About this stupid list of reputational demands. About the need to bring it up so soon. About him, of being penetrant for her reading it out before she could have explained her worry. About her not being able to tell him in a simple way, that she worried for his free spirit to be imprisoned. She was furious with herself, that she had not handled this more calm, more composed. Why had she been so troubled in the first place? She halted her pacing.

Right now, she missed Elsa. Her sister would have conducted this conversation in a quiet and sincere and controlled manner. Not like a little schoolgirl, fluttering and staggering around. But then, Elsa was not here. It was up to her now, to learn to control her inner voices.

Anna sat back on the familiar chair. Head in her hand, elbow on the armbrace. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe deep and steady.

She wandered back to their quiet time in the woods. How soothing it had been, when they had walked together, both confiding their anxiety, just to find out they both cared for the other. This was still the case. Yes, it was.

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