15. Surprises

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Visiting the returned soldiers had been overwhelming.

Anna had not been that aware before what it meant, that they would not only have to resettle, but to handle three decades of lost contacts and changes in their surroundings.

Gustav had come back to his old home, in which his father had lived until his death. The old man had notarized the house to be taken care for, in hope his son would return still after all that time. So, now he had done, but with his father gone. The neighbours had prepared the house when message of the return was spread. That way, his father's initial wish had been granted after all.

Albert had returned to his brother's house, where he lived in a separate little adjoint cabin. The company of his brother's family with wife and three children did him good. After all those years captured in the forest it would have been terrible staying all alone without a soul to talk to. He helped with the grain farm and the milk cows. Compared to the life he had spent with his comrades in exile, this was a gift. Still, he confessed that the change of daily routine and demands of family attachment would need time to settle.

Holgar was not home. He had already joined his nephew for a trading travel.

During all the visits, Mathias had shown a great sense of care for his comrades. He would inquire and ask if there was anything they would need. Anna wondered if he had been treated in that same attentive way at the quarters five days ago.

As soon as they were on their way home, Anna asked Mathias about his settling back in, and if he would need anything himself.

He would not. Mathias declared that he was truly enriched by everybody and everything. And, he admitted, getting back adjusted seemed easier than he had first feared. He talked about getting back into daily affairs of military concerns, like the reorganisation with the guarding question, they had discussed the day before. He went on with casual things all around the captain's troop. Otherwise, he would consider his being back in Arendelle as home, yes home it was. Saying that, he blushed slightly. Anna pretended not noticing. Still, she remembered Kristoff's attempt of help, and then his spotting Mathias and Halima at the coffee shop three days ago. Sounding as jovial as possible she then asked, "So, that sounds content and hopeful to me. Would you say so?"

The man had shrugged and smiled absentmindedly. Yes, he could say so.

Now, the following morning, Anna sat in her office, musing over the afternoon the day before. Seeing the men in their new environment had made her think about all that had happened and today it was a week, since they had set off from the enchanted forest.

A thought kept spinning in her mind. She noted down the subject and would keep it for her meeting with Kai afterwards.

Then, her thoughts wandered off to the moment, when she had found Kristoff in the library. He had been pacing the room with a book in his hand. He had told her about his reading and questioning about the new gained knowledge. She had taken the book from him and gone briefly through some pages. She considered this a promising start. Yes, indeed!

They would leave for dinner and she had declared that the evening should be spent with some family time with Sven and Olaf. They had all had their share of mental labour that day.

Kristoff had agreed completely. With a barely notable glance to Sven, he chuckled inwardly, remembering the torturous hour at the tailor's shop.

"Your wish is my command!"

Shaking her head, the princess grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the working place, laughing.

Now for today, there was another topic to be defined. She had asked Kristoff to join. She would not brood about, that it might be all too much for him. He had promised to tell her in case it was so.

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