20. Considerations

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The castle had gone quiet.

The guests in her accomodation were asleep, though Prince Martin had paced the room all evening. They had been allowed to stroll the castle gardens in the late afternoon, watched by a guard. He had felt so imprisoned, while his wife had enjoyed the autumn sun and delights of its colours. Sometimes, Martin wished he had a portion of Barbara's good cheerfulness. But then, the responsibiltiy lurking in the back of his head was a constant reminder of his life's purpose. On days like this, this purpose seemed so meaningless, and not even the bright autumn could change his mind.

Now, he laid in this bed that was not his own. But then he had to admit his wife being right. It could be worse. They could have been thrown into the dungeon. Subconsciously he smiled. After all, they had been granted a lavishly and well cooked dinner. They could ring for their servant whenever they needed anything. Why should he not just appreciate this hospitable service and enjoy his staying here, until he'd receive the queen's answer. Why not take day after day. And then, whatever would come, he'd had to face it anew.

The Prince turned to his side and with a sigh, he fell asleep.


They had all retreated early, after the heap of today's emotions.

Olaf had payed Anna company, while she had been getting ready for bed. But then, he had decided to stay with Sven and had hopped off after all.

Now, Anna laid restless in her bed and stared to the ceiling. There had been an aweful lot of impressions. And then, this one thought kept roaming her mind. She tried to close her eyes, but it wouldn't stop popping up before her inner eye, just to knock at her ears and her heart, which pounded rapidly. It wouldn't help. She had to look this up.

Anna got out of her bed and reached for her mothers scarf, she had tossed to the footend before crawling into her blankets. She wrapped the beloved material around her shoulders, reached for the oil lamp and then stepped out into the hallway. Noone was there, by now all was dark, and so she turned to the staircase and made her way down one level and along to the library.

The young woman held the lamp up along the shelf, where she hoped to find that specific book. There it was. All on her tiptoes, she she reached up carefully, and took it down. It was an old piece, many generations had written in it. Pages had been added within the last few decades, if not even centuries. It was heavy and Anna would press it hard against her chest and went over to the little table beneath the window.

Then she placed the lamp close enough to get a good sight, but a safe distance to the precious pages. Anna started her search and soon, she found what she had been looking for. Had she been excited just before, now her heart would leap and her belly felt warm and steady. She had felt like this before. Back then, in the cave. The next right thing. She just knew it.

But this time, it would not concern herself alone, to take that next step.

Anna looked out of the window into the dark. She would have to explain this carefully, trusting this to work and come true.

Now, that she knew what to do, she felt tired, but still exuberant. She thought of just reading it through one more time, considering the explanation words, before retreating to bed.


Gerda stood perplex. It was unusual to find her majesty's bed empty at this early morning hour. And then, there seemed no nightgown thrown onto the bed, nor the scarf. Had she wandered off in her night garments? Gerda shook her head, wondering where Anna could be. A thought crossed her mind, but she scolded herself for thinking it at all. But then, she wouldn't be surprised. She turned and left the royal bedchambers.

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