23. Surprising treat

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After they had finally settled for their decision, it seemed like some unspoken tension had fallen off.

They would drive on, appreciating the warming sun slowly showing up above the treetops.

Anna had at some moment realised what path Kristoff was leading to, but wouldn't mention it yet. She was surprised he had not turned to the right when they went left. She would ask later. Then, at some point she started to rummage around the boxes again, to study their content. After a while she was satisfied with her research and proclaimed, she would take care preparing their lunch.

It had been good fun watching her enthusiastically going about her work. Meanwhile Kristoff had taken care for Sven to get some goodies for his morning work. Why wasn't he surprised, when getting called to sit by her, to find the world's most giant sandwich on his plate. How she would manage to get three slices of bread filled with two storeys of ham, cheese, onions, cucumber, and carrot bits, without them all falling apart, it was a mystery to him. He had laughed and braced himself for the messy feasting. It wasn't the first time she had launched to this sort of adventure.

Kristoff had to admit, he had been well served. The giant double sandwich had filled a good lot of his stomach, especially when poured down with some delicious Arendelle beer.

While Anna went ahead tyding up their plates and utensils, she casually asked why they hadn't stopped by at the trolls' valley? It would have meant a tiny detour at the junction about two hours ago.

"Are you nuts?" Kristoff exclaimed, "after what had happened the last time we were there?"

Anna giggled. Now then, she had thought so. Of course, he had been downright perplexed, and hardly talking to her on their way home that day. That had been about three weeks ago, just a few days after her coronation. After all, he had promised her before, that they would soon visit his family.

But then, this very visit had been pretty weird and chaotic, which in some way was normal, for the trolls being unpredictable and jovial hearts. Thinking back, Anna had to hold back a blustered laugh.

The funny thing was, that for one thing it was his family, and Kristoff had told her several times to just roll with it. Still, they would never fail to confuse him time and again, just as much as they did with her.

Though Anna had secretly thanked Bulda for her prompt launch into things.

When they had arrived with the intention of a harmless family visit, they got greeted in the same enthusiastic way as always. But then, it hadn't taken long, before they got kind of pulled apart into separate sections, like girl's group and boy's group. Before Anna could ask what was going on, the lady trolls were around her and Bulda would step up, all kind but serious, starting the questioning.

"Now then, child, are you nervous?"

"About what?"

"The wedding night, dear?"

Oh no... That...! Anna felt the urge to leave immediately. Thanking for their concern she was about to get up, just to be pulled down by the rocky women.

"No, no, my dear," Bulda had quietly explained, "this is important. We're aware humans would not talk about this. So, tell me, what do you know, or better, what you don't know!"

She had stared, blushing, desperately craving for some hole to escape through... But there was no way to flee off this bizarre moment. So, at the end, she had sat, listening to the instruction she got from her future troll mother-in-law. Bulda hadn't been indiscreet or pushy, but genuinely concerned that Anna would understand there was nothing to fear. Especially not, since she was about to marry a man who loved her the way Kristoff did.

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