18. Investigation

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The place of inquiry would be the conference room.

Anna and Kristoff had taken their places in the secret adjoint room, that was attached in a hidden way. From the hallway there was a camouflaged door, that would lead into the secret room, that was small, but spacy enough to host up to four people. From there one could see a part of the conference room, the great meeting table. A great wall carpet served as connecting wall, that was thinned out at certain spots, as to see into the room behind. The sight was blurred of course, but the reason to this all was to witness the conversation in the first place by listening.

Of course, whoever would stand or sit in this secret room had to bee quiet. No speaking, or noises whatsovever.

Meanwhile the ship had reached the harbour and Prince Martin and his wife, Lady Barbara, were lead to the castle. Once inside, Lady Barbara was asked to follow Gerda and a guard to the guestroom that had been prepared hastily for them. Prince Martin was lead directly to the conference room. Tea was served by a servant and Kai would tend to the Prince's service for the beginning.

Then, General Mathias would start with the first investigational part. He went through the letter and asked Prince Martin several questions about his father doing. Why they would correspond right now and not before. Why should the queen arrive in person. Would a letter not do to reassure his majesty, the king, that the queen of Arendelle had nothing to hold against him in person?

Prince Martin ansered, every single question with his greatest conern, on behalf of his father. The birthday celebration had been his idea, though King Martin would not like such an occasion. Then the thought of having Elsa and Anna there made the old man lighten up. To see them before him, safe and sound, to speak to them directly, not by paper. He answered it all, his uneasyness appearant. He would not lie, not acting like a deceiver. He was too devoted to his father. It could be felt within the atmosphere.

At some point Mathias exchanged a look with Kai and they would swop places. Kai had waited in the corner next to the door, functioning as an official witness. Now it would be his turn to repeat the questions. He felt uneasy himself, but then, for Anna he would do this.

Kristoff mused over the whole questioning conversation they had witnessed so far.It was clear to him, that the Prince couldn't say anymore than he had done for the last half an hour. He had listened to the questions, to the answers. There was nothing new and by now everybody had understood that the letter was a sincere matter.

Anna sat quietly on her chair, listening, not moving. She seemed controlled, yet Kristoff knew she was of course troubled. He felt sorry for her. But then, what could they do? How were they to decide how to proceed with this dreadful invitation. Of course, Anna could answer by a letter in return. But then, the old man was apparently desperate to meet up with the queen and princess in person.

Kristoff felt an uneasyness within him, he could not define. The string within him had started to pluck unpleasantly in his abdomen. The sound was agonisiging and enerving. Along with the noiseful plucking a question nagged at the young man. Then, it dawned on him. They would never know how to decide on this invitation, unless the one question was not solved. Once he realised, the string changed its plucking into a softer vibration. He could not deny it and once Kristoff had decided to go for it, for Anna's and his own sake, the tune steadied and made him move.

He bent quietly down to Anna, kissed her softly on her temple, gesturing that he would leave for a moment, but be back soon. In the dim light, she had looked at him with widened eyes, but trusting him, she had squeezed his hand, forcing a weary smile unto her lips.

Once he stepped outside into the hallway he took some deep breaths, bracing himself for his mission to complete. For Anna. For them.

He opened quietly the door to the conference room and when Mathias looked over to him, Kristoff gestured to please come out. Mathias frowned, but then trusting the young Lord, he exited the room quietly. Kai had noticed the leaving, not giving a sign of concern on his face.

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