3. Dwellling

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Anna's heart felt light and it seemed just plausible to her, that she should enjoy every minute of the upcoming rest of the day.

After crossing the threshold of certainty that they would sort out all issues required, her inner had calmed as to trust Kristoff and her would handle their life together step by step.

Her previous head start did not last long. With only a few leaps Kristoff had caught up and heaved her up like a puppy over his shoulder. She had let out a cry of sheer joy and let him have his victorious finish.

A bit later they stood at the brim of the field, where the reindeer herd had grazed overnight. It was a wonderful and peaceful sight. Anna smiled contentedly. The mist had lifted. The spirits had been reconciled, and the past cleared off. It had been so worth all the havoc and tears.

Kristoff pointed out some information that he had got from Ryder the day before. Anna listened, enjoying the enthusiastic and loving way he talked about these animals. Only then, they noticed a familiar voice amidst the herd. Olaf!

So, he had found them. He chatted feverishly with some of the reindeers. Telling them this and that about his journey he had experienced with Anna. He gestured dramatically with his little arms. Anna's heart leaped for a second. Olaf did not seem to mind that the journey had been anything less than fun. Anna got the impression that he just enjoyed to having been on a journey with her and his friends in the first place. Never did Olaf judge over anybody about anything. The way things were, they were, and for some reason, they had to be alright that way... After all, they were all alive and together again. Why worrying? She envied Olaf for a brief moment. He was like a child, trusting and believing that there was always good around and before him!

She smiled and reached for Kristoff's hand. She shared her thoughts with him.

Kristoff gazed over to the scene before them and nodded smiling. He squeezed her hand too and a thought hushed through his mind. What if they had children of their own someday; would Olaf be kind of older brother? He withheld that notion to himself for now. There would be the time where things were changing to the sort...

Sven had noticed his friends before Olaf did, and nudged the snowman to get his attention.

"Oh, they have found us!" Olaf exclaimed happily.

Sven heaved his little friend onto his antlers and started trotting over to Anna and Kristoff. Grumbling fondly, he nuzzled at Kristoff's chest and hopped around his buddy. Kristoff chuckled and stroke Sven's neck, "have missed you, too, Buddy!" he muttered.

Anna giggled. She just adored so much watching them. Olaf laughed and enjoyed the rocking and skipping on top of Sven's head.

"Hi there!" Another familiar voice echoed behind them.

Ryder had come to see after his animals and waved when spotting the jovial group. "Good to see you all," he cheered. Then he glanced at Anna and back to Kristoff. He addressed Anna and asked her if she would like to join their trip around the forest? He'd be happy to introduce her to a lovely and kind reindeer for her personal ride.

"Oh, thank you. That would be lovely, really. But I got to go back and see Elsa. Maybe, if we still have time later, or tomorrow, I would honestly love to come along." Anna shrugged apologetically.

Ryder gestured that it was alright and he would love to show her around when she was ready.

Kristoff put a hand to her shoulder and stepped a bit closer. "You know what? I give you a lift back. When do you want to discuss the travel arrangements? I'll join you in."

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