Chapter 4 Something brown that looked like it was dying... something like...

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A squib- non-magical people born in magical families.

Your grandma told you the story about how your mother was so ashamed of herself that she moved away from the country just 'not to be a disappointment for her family'. Your grandmother never cared that your mother couldn't do magic, she just wanted her only child back. It was your grandfather that pushed your mother away.

He and the other family members would constantly tell your mother what a disgrace she was, you see, they were pure bloods. So when she was 15 she ran away. Your grandmother had tried to get her back home, told her that it didn't matter if she could do magic or not, but your mother refused.

At 16 she met your father and moved to England, and at 18 she married him and gave birth to you. It was two years after your birth that your grandfather had died, he being mysteriously killed, when your mother wanted to involve your grandmother. Of course your grandmother didn't know a lot of English back then, so it was a bit difficult to communicate, but she was extremely happy. Though when you reached the age of five she couldn't visit anymore.

Your grandmother had a kind of magical creature reserve. She had a few different species, though only ones that would survive the winter. The one that really got your attention was the old Norwegian ridgeback that was so tame he didn't even open his eyes when you approached him. Of course your grandmother knew they were illegal to keep, but since he was so old and tame the council had made an exception.

You loved it there and almost couldn't wait to write a letter to Charlie about the dragon, but you decided to wait a bit, not that you didn't want to tell him, you did, but thought that it might ruin his summer if he knew you got to spend time with a dragon, and he didn't.


You waited a few weeks before you wrote the first letter. You decided that you would tell him about the dragon and how you were a half-blooded witch instead of muggle-born face to face, so instead you wrote about the house, which was cabin-like and deep in the forest, then a few of the things you and your grandmother had done so far. And lastly you told him that there was something you needed to tell him, but you didn't want to do it over letters. You sent the letter with your owl Freya, even though your grandmother had five different owls that probably would have managed better, you thought that Freya was more suited, since she's the one Charlie knows.


A few more weeks went by. Your grandmother had offered to learn you healing magic, since it is good to know when you work with animals, and you of course accepted her offer. You hadn't gotten a letter back yet, though that was fine. Charlie probably had a really good time with his family. It did make you a bit sad, since your family was mostly dead, but you still felt happy for him. It's not his fault, he didn't even know your parents had died.


A few more days passed and still no letter. You and your grandmother had gotten to know each other a lot better, her English was even more understandable. She had tried to learn you a bit Norwegian too, but that didn't go so well, and your accent was beyond horrible, so you had a mutual agreement and stopped.


That night before you had gone to bed, something had crashed through your open bedroom window. Something brown that looked like it was dying... something like... Errold! Of course it was a letter from Charlie, and it made you so happy that he finally decided to write back. He apologized for waiting so long, but he wanted to have a bit more to write about since he wasn't so sure Errold would survive more than one trip, and by the looks of it he was right.

He told you about his summer and how Fred and George had successfully pranked him five times already. He was also curious about what you wanted to tell him and was wondering if you would like to spend the rest of your summer at the Burrow with him and his family, his mother had really wanted to spend some time with you, and told you that if you wanted to, they could come and get you, and then come the day after your reply had arrived, though only if you wanted to. Lastly he asked if you had a fireplace.

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