Chapter 16 It'll be a cool scar thoug

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Madame Pomfrey wasn't too happy when she saw your arm but didn't ask any questions and instead went to find something so she could close the wound. You had looked at the wound by now and let's just say, it wasn't pretty. The dogs razor sharp teeth had ripped open your skin in multiple places and your arm had turned blue. Had you been in the muggle world you might have needed maybe 30+ stitches, but you weren't, so instead you got a wound closing potion, which was fine with you.

Pomfrey returned with the phial and told Charlie to go back to his dorm, as she wanted you to stay in the wing for the night in case you got some side effects. He went to protest but choose not to and walked out after he said goodnight to you.

You huffed out after Pomfrey was done with your wound and sat in one of the beds, alone. What were you supposed to do now? Just sit there? You could go to bed early, but you weren't really that tired. You could always go and ask Pomfrey if she needed help with something, but you doubted that she would let you since you had been hurt. You suddenly realised why some people would get so frustrated when they have to spend the night in the hospital wing... there was nothing you could do! You didn't even have a book!

You laid down in the bed and started to count the cracks in the ceiling and so far you had... five. There weren't exactly many of them. You turned around so you were laying on your side. Maybe you should just try and go to sleep? Or you could count the bricks in the wall? Yeah, let's do that! 1... 2... 3...

393... 394... 395... This is stupid. You went to sit in the bed instead of lying down, then huffed out loudly earning you a hush from another place in the wing. Oh right... you weren't exactly alone. It seemed like even the end of the year didn't stop people from hurting themselves, which makes sense in a way. You should probably go to sleep, or at least lay down under the blanket, which was what you ended up doing.


Pomfrey let you leave early the next morning, and you almost ran all the way to breakfast, which wasn't that long but you really wanted to get out of there. You didn't mind it when you helped Pomfrey, but when you were the one who needed help you didn't like being there. You reached the great hall, but you couldn't see Charlie, which wasn't that strange since it was still early. You sat down somewhere in the middle and started to eat while you waited for him.

Thirty minutes later Charlie still hadn't showed up and you figured he was probably still asleep. You packed a few sandwiches in a napkin and walked up to the common room so you could look for him.

The common room was deserted when you reached it and you weren't sure if you should go to the boys dormitory or not. You stood there for a few minutes contemplating if you should walk up or not and didn't notice when someone came out from the boys side, that was until he was right next to you.

'(Y/n)...?' Huh? What? You looked and saw that Jae Kim, a boy in your year who also happened to share a dormitory with Charlie, was standing next to you. 'Do you need something?' He was probably wondering why you were just standing there. Then you wondered.

'Is Charlie still asleep?' You asked him as kindly as you could.

'Yes, actually he is...' he seemed to think for a bit. 'Do you want me to let you in our dormitory?' He smiled.

'Well, yes, but only if you don't mind.' You had never really spoken with Jae before as he was mostly in detention, why, you didn't know, and you didn't feel like it was your place to ask either. He didn't question you anymore and told you to follow him. When you reached the door he opened it for you and let you walk in.

'Thank you, Jae.' You smiled to him as you walked past him.

'No problem, Charlies bed is the one the furthest in the room.' He then walked away.

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