Answer thingie~

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Ok, so no one really asked any questions, but I know some of you are wondering about things, so I'll try to explain what I remember... ALSO! I'm just writing down things as I remember them, so there'll be a lot of jumping back and forth trough the story, if that makes sence?

First off, I don't know if you noticed, but when I was writing this I tried to make it kind of... realistic? Like she didn't know what anyone was thinking, or feeling, or what was going to happen next, if that makes sense? I always used the sentence Seemed like it, because you actually don't know what anyone thinks. You don't know what's going on in that other persons head, which is what I was trying to point out as I wrote this... ok, if you get it you get it, and if you don't you don't! On to the next thing!!

Grandfather and Odin the dragon was first supposed to be the same. I first thought that your grandmother, Ingerid, transfigured your grandfather into a dragon when she realised that the death eaters were after him, but I didn't go with that (I didn't really like it). Instead I wanted him to die while he tried to do the right thing. Now, I can't remember if I ever mentioned this in the story, but your grandfather actually tried to help Delilah (your aunt/Alexs' mother), in one last attempt to try and make things better between him and his daughter/your mother. He knew about Delilah being a muggleborn, and that death eaters were hunting her, as she used to be a part of the first order of the phoenix. He tried to help her hide, but Voldemort realised what he was doing, thus killing him. Ingerid was there when it happened, her watching as they killed her husband (she couldn't do anything about it) but Voldemort chose to spear her, as to show how 'merciful' he could be.

When it comes to the romance part, they were first supposed to at least kiss during the summerbreak, I can't remember if it was between fourth and fifth year, or fifth and sixth, but it was that one where they stayed at the leaky cauldron. BUT! then I came to that part in the mobile-game and realised that Charlie acts like a little B*TCH after *SPOILER ALERT* Rakepick betrays them... So I didn't think that it fit in... if that makes sence. It wasn't supposed to take as long as it did, but I couldn't find a proper place for it to happend, until I realised that I would just have to MAKE IT HAPPEN. So, sorry it took so long, but I did mention that this was going to be a slow romance at the beginning.

Another thing that I changed, or more like removed, was that after their 'shared night' after grandma died, she was supposed to become pregnant, and then give birth to a little boy I named Christopher. He was supposed to have your hair color, frecles and Charlies kind, brown eyes. But again, I didn't really like it, or I wasn't feeling it (I kind of felt like it was a bit used?). ANYWAY, you were going to keep this a secret from Charlie, because you didn't want him to give up his dream in Romania. This was also supposed to have this dramatic bit during the goblet of fire where Charlie sees Christopher and gets the completly wrong idea, him thinking you met someone else or something, but he does get to know that Christopher is his son before he returned to Romania.

Oh, this is also a part that goes with the one above! So, after grandma died, you moved to Hogsmade, but you were also going to use all of the money your parents left you to build your own little creature reserve! This is something you were supposed to do together with Moria, as she was supposed to be a bigger part of this, but... I kind of... forgot about her.

I don't know if any of you remember, but in one of the first chapters (5.5), Charlie gave you a necklace (a phial filled with phoenix tears). WELL! I completly forgot about its existence *hides face in shame*. Anyway, I had multiple opertunities planned where you were going to use it, like when the dragon attacked you, but again, I forgot. Another place was at the end, when Alexander died. Yeah, he wasn't supposed to die at first, but then I had that idea of him trying to kill you, but failing, and then Bellatrix killing him, and I kind of liked that. Alex was supposed to be injured, badly injured, and that was when 'you' would remember the phial and use it on him. Soooo now you know that!

So, about your father's death... he didn't commit suicide. I was actually going to add this part where you visited your old house and found something that didn't make sence, but again, I never found a fitting oppertunity. He was killed by another man he worked with, because of disagreements in the company. I don't know what else to share about that, as I tend to just make up things on the spot (Me believing I would come up with something fitting at the right time). As for your mother! She was killed in a train crash, which I think I added? BUT! I actually took inspiration from a real-life disaster that happened on the 12th of December (Charlie's birthday actually), but I fucked up the year... (It happened the year after in real life). I didn't want her to just... die... I wanted her to die in a real disaster, if that makes sence? (probably not, but ok...) Soooo I googled a bit, and found the train-crash, I think there were around 50 people that died in it? and it happened somewhere close to London (can't remember where) so I thought it fitted!

Origianly, after Hogwarts and grandma's death and all, I was going to write a few chapters about your life at the creature reserve too, but I dropped it as I didn't thing any of you would find that interesting.

So, there's also this small chapter (after Hogwarts I think?) that revolves around reader not being able to draw a dragon. Funnily (not so funny for me) this is based on me, as I can't even draw a dragon to save myself. I was so frustrated by it that I accidentally (kind of?) added it to the story *hides behind my hands*. Why would I draw a dragon? Well, I wanted to draw the cover image myself, and wanted it to be a dragon, but I COMPLETLY f*cked it up... sooo that's the story behind that chapter.

Oh! While I'm still within the theme 'drawing' I did make a drawing of the co-workers in the creature reserve! But then I grew to hate it, thus deciding not to share it. (The drawing was of Connie, Maddie, Moria, Cody and two other characters I barley even mention, Martin and Tristan).

I'll add things whenever I remember them, or if any of you ask any questions! Feel free to ask!

Last updated: February 18 2022

Oh! And I was also thinking about re-writing this, but I can't deside if I should keep this and make the new one as its own story, or if I should write over this. You know... keep this as a reminder of how bad I was when I started this (The first chapters are HORRIBLE, don't even try to deny it!).

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