Ch-25: FIR

394 22 17

"Each step I take,

A new memory awakes.

Was this a part of my past?

Is there something that relates?

Visions I can't escape,

Will this forever be my fate?"

Scott's POV

As my anxiety grew, so did the mess; my focus, so scattered, that it was a challenge to get everything in good order. Back to a day or two, I almost had a hunch...a feeling that this was coming.

I didn't like where it was heading. Two or three moments, that's all it took to crumble down all of our plans in a snap. The person we were supposed to bring out from the club for questioning Monroe's whereabouts, slipped out of our hands pretty quick. 

But it was all on Lydia and Malia's watch. They didn't know that he was one of Monroe's men yet when Stiles told Lydia about the failure of the plan. All they knew was that they caught the wrong guy in the club, so I assumed they had to apologize to him for forcibly carrying him out of the club. 

Parrish safely drove them back to us. Having Parrish as a backup was a good decision from Stiles, knowing that the guy in the club was one of Monroe's men, a lot of worse things could've happened. After all, Malia and Lydia were safe. That's what mattered the most to us. The safety of our loved ones.

We were at a point where we couldn't take a leap of faith to step forward or backward. Stiles suggested we should talk with Theo, to get to know if he was really speaking the truth about his injuries. He was making up those insane theories, about how this whole process was actually set up, and planned by Theo.

"I am really not digesting this stuff...Can I please hear your....theories again?" Lydia questioned, her desperate face demanding an answer.

I remember what happened. I remembered exactly what happened. Stiles and I were arguing whether Theo should be trusted or not...and then Stiles started picking up the clues that no one else did.

"SCOTT!! Don't you make this serious face to me. We literally abducted someone, and that someone was certainly not okay with it, so we had to apologize at his feet, bribe him with money for kidnapping him, and when he denied all our offers we tranquilized him and ran away. Nothing so far is serious. So...Please... say something!!!" Lydia shouted.

"You tranquilized him?" I asked, surprised.

"It was my idea. What were we supposed to do? let him follow us and kill us all one by one?", Malia questioned my methods.


"Don't pretend that you're surprised, Scott. I know you're not. It was you guys' plan to track him down to the club, seduce him to lure him outside of the club, tranquilize him and then bring him for the tranquilizing part was inevitable.", Lydia roared at my expression.

It was time when I spoke up to Lydia when she became impatient about the truth of what the hell was actually going on, "It was Stiles...He figured it out actually.."

Lydia turned her face towards Stiles and then instantly turned it back to me for an answer. 

Now, I know when people are desperate for an answer, and Lydia was desperate for her answer too, But I knew something was off between Stiles and Lydia. Something happened between these two. Every time they exchange looks their heartbeats go up crazy...Like...super crazy.

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