Ch-28: Revenge

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"I too like to take revenge
on those who hated me,
badly treated me,
berated me
and grated
my tender feelings cruelly.

I keep my weapons ready,
for accidental accost, if any
to confront them...
yes...with open arms,
glowing smile,
gracious visage
and lastly
with a heartfelt embrace!

My revenge is now complete...
the enemy yielded
with an embarrassed face
and heart throttling guilt
accepting his total defeat!"



Brutal. Satisfying. Empty. Pointless. Excessive. Mean spirited.

The need for revenge was like a rat gnawing at her soul, relentless, unceasing, it could only be stopped by the cold steel of a rat trap, a trap she would devise herself.

Her need for revenge was like an abscess on the skin of the soul that could only be cured by the cruel sharp steel point of revenge. Festering like a septic wound, and the only effective antibiotic is cold hard revenge.

Savage. Spiteful.

Tamora Monroe would bear a grudge until she died or took revenge, whichever came first. 

She had been craving like a paranoid for the last three months, just to get a good startup plan...just to see Scott McCall and his narcissistic pack fall apart.

Monroe had no pure evil intentions against them, but what they did wasn't exactly what she could call fair.

If Beacon Hills was the beacon for supernaturals...if it really did invite supernatural creatures every once in a while,

Why did those self-centered stupid teenagers pretend they could save everything and everyone, stacking multiple dead bodies in the process? How long? How long did this infliction have to go on like this?

If the Beast of Gevaudan had taken her off that night, then probably no one would have even dared to stand up against him.

She believed that was the problem with people, they just didn't get it, as they were all too busy picking up the good side with their trashed organs, which they called eyes.

Her arm muscles were at the point of giving up when her mind started insulting her about how weak she was. Tamora pulled herself towards the rusty iron bar for the thirty-fifth time, seeing those thin beams of moonlight dazzling through the windows, lightly glowing up the darkroom which she was in.

She felt like her limbs would break apart if she did it once more so, she let her hands free themselves and fell with her feet on the floor.

She had almost zero energy level and was palpitating heavily, her bicep muscles on her dark-toned skin, felt stretched. That was just what she needed to do. Keep pushing the limits every night.

She was relentlessly working on her strength for that day in the future....the day when she would feel the blood of Scott McCall on her bare hands, the day when she would put her feet on his dead body with pride and confidence glowing on her eyes.

Monroe stopped when her eyes fell on the broken mirror which was just in front of her.

She glanced at her left eye, which got saved from inches as she reckoned the facts about multiple attempts of werewolves, trying to kill her since she left Beacon Hills.

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