Ch-32: The Rising of an Evil

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"It comes oozing

out of flowers at night,

it comes out of the rain

if a snake looks skyward,

it comes out of chairs and tables

if you don't point at them and say their names.

It comes into your mouth while you sleep,

pressing in like a washcloth.

Beware. Beware."

The aim was to get power.

Since the beginning of the time, the aim was always to get power.

As she surveyed the daunting assembly of emissaries Monroe wondered who on the outside would ever believe that this temple had so many secrets inside it. 

The location was strange, far away from the city, within the suburbs, however the interior of the temple; even strange.

Outside the bronze door, Monroe's men guarded the entrance. The inside was an ornate labyrinth of ritualistic chambers, halls, sealed vaults, and a hollow wall that held the remains of a dead body. 

The room was a perfect square, and cavernous. The ceiling? There wasn't any. The lateral walls soared over a hundred feet overhead, supported by monolithic columns of green granite.

Drink it, she told herself. You have nothing to fear.

The twenty-seven-year-old woman gazed down at the human skull cradled in her palms. The skull was hollow, like a bowl, filled with a magical liquid that looked like stained blood-red wine. It was the after all a combination of some liquid made by the emissaries, mixed with her own blood that she had obtained after slightly cutting her skin with a knife a few moments back. 

Drinking the liquid was a matter of responsibility. It was a matter of culpability. Yes, drinking it would give her the power to manipulate the mind of The Achylis under her command, yes it would allow calling the Mage for starting the ritual, but things weren't as easy as they sounded.

If things went wrong, It was none other than Monroe to blame herself for all her attempts in taking down Scott's pack. The creature that she was about free from the incarceration was not anything ordinary. To call it 'ordinary' was not just an insult, it was a sin.

Something that malevolent, something that was more black-hearted, more diabolical than Gerard Argent, Tamora Monroe, or any other peccable personality in the world would be let free only under the action of Monroe herself, and all for the only purpose of accomplishing her only mission, eliminating all supernaturals from their existence.

The anger from her eyes sheathed the scared child within, the girl who was taught to fight and starved of the love she craved from her foster parents who never gave it back. Not everyone could see the pain beneath it and her soul drowning in this persona she'd carved to fit a world of indifference. 

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