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Dean did not want to go to this dinner party.

Ever since he'd met Derek he'd gotten bad vibes from the guy. But after watching him turn into a giant wolf monster in the woods, he had even more reason to not trust the fucker.

But he'd been forced along by Evan to Derek's house for dinner.

Once the door opened, Dean scowled a bit at the man who opened the door. He had brown skin and dark hair that was tied up in a bun, dark eyes warmed and he smiled at Evan and Dean,

"Hello, I'm Raif, you must be Evan and Dean"

"We are!" Evan said, "I'm Evan, this is Dean"

"I know who you are" Raif said, pointing to Evan, "Derek never shuts up about you"

Evan blushed a bit. Dean rolled his eyes but thankfully Raif didn't dwell much longer, inviting them inside and Evan headed inside. Dean hesitated before he followed his friend into the wolves den.

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