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((Mentions a house fire))

Derek felt weird being back in the house.

This was a man who had a part in his parents dying. Most of his family dying.

He'd hated Peter for a while when he was younger. Then he somewhat agreed with him. Now he just felt sorry for the man.

Also a lot of annoyance.

The house was dustier, dirtier but it reminded Derek of his childhood. Of his dad playing with him, his mom singing him songs, his sister telling him stories and making him pancakes in the morning.

It reminded him of coughing through thick smoke, struggling to get out, wood splintering, his mom screaming, of-


He turned around to look at Dean. The man nodding to him,

"You okay?"

"...Worried for Evan"

"Me too".

The two men stood there awkwardly, Derek clearing his throat,

"He uh...spoke highly of you, called you his best friend a lot"

"...He never shut up about how green your eyes are"

Derek chuckled at that, Dean smiling weakly and the two returned to silence.

"We'll find him" Derek said, "I can smell him it's just...faint"

Dean wrinkled his nose, "I'll never get over how weird that is"

Derek shrugged, starting out of the room before he stopped. Dean raised an eyebrow,

"You okay?" He asked and Derek looked down at the floor, pressing his foot down before moving it back and pressing again.

"...There's a trapdoor"

"What?" Dean asked and Derek moved the area rug aside. Yep. Trap door.

"...that's so cliche" Dean said and Derek nodded,

"My Uncle always was"

Dean called for Zach and Awsten as Derek hoisted the trap door up and open. The four staring down the concrete stairs.

"What kinda horror movie shit is this?" Awsten asked, staring down. Derek swallowed,

"Doesn't matter...c'mon" he said and the four headed downstairs slowly.

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