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Derek headed back to the pack house where Raif was cooking dinner, the whole house filled with a sweet and slightly spicy scent.

Derek headed to the kitchen where Raif was. Derek trusted the beta more than he trusted anyone else...but with his mate in town, apparently that would change soon hopefully.

"Hello Derek" Raif said without looking up from the pot he was stirring, "good walk?"

"Could say that" Derek said, walking over and leaning against the counter, crossing his arms, "met my mate". 

That seemed to capture Raif's interest, glancing at Derek from the corner of his eye, "Oh? What were they like?" 

Derek grinned at the memory of his mate, "They run a bookstore, big brown eyes and fluffy brown hair-" 

"You sound like a shitty romance novel Derek" 

"Shut up...anyways, he's the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on" 

Raif just seemed amused, "So...you talked to him?" 

"...Not really, but I will" 

"You always say that" Raif said lightly, turning his full attention to Derek, "but you never do" 

Derek could feel his cheeks going red, "Well I will this time, he's my honest to lupa mate Raif". 

Raif narrowed his eyes at Derek but shrugged, turning back to his cooking, "If you insist...can you go tell Yosef and Wally that dinner will be ready soon?" 

Derek nodded, walking away from the kitchen to go tell the pups of the pack all while thinking of the pretty boy from the store. 

He really would talk to this one, really. 

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